Three Court Jesters - Night Court
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Neil calls the case against Captain James T. Kush, arrested for growing and selling marijuana on a boat.

Abby feels the felony drug trafficking charge is too harsh and fines him instead. Olivia doesn’t have anything to say to the case.

Gurgs checks in on Olivia who explains she’s distracted because a big wig power broker, Eli Bettencourt, is in the gallery. He was the victim of an assault and Olivia’s keen to convict his assailant and get in his good books.

Just as she’s about to get to the case, the District Attorney, Jeff DeWitt, arrives to take over. He calls her Alicia and indicates she should get out of his way.

DeWitt and Dan recognize each other and spend some time razzing each other.

Abby tells DeWitt she’d like to talk to him about some of the directives coming out of the DA’s office. He agrees to meet with her. He offers to bet with Dan on the outcome of the Bettencourt case, thinking Abby looks like a pushover.

Abby finds the defendant in the Bettencourt case is actually the victim of Bettencourt’s bad behavior and dismisses the case.

Dan finds Abby preparing for her meeting with DeWitt. They’re meeting at the Manhattan Heritage Club. Dan is concerned she doesn’t know how these meetings usually go. He offers to give her tips on backroom dealing.

She doesn’t believe she needs the tips. Dan states that DeWitt will eat her alive.

Gurgs finds Olivia consoling herself with beef jerky, still upset DeWitt scooped her on the Bettencourt case. Gurgs lets slip that Abby’s meeting DeWitt at the Manhattan Heritage Club and Olivia flips out.

Olivia manages to join Abby for her visit to the Heritage Club, calling it a “lady date.”

Olivia abandons Abby as soon as they’re in. Abby enters the curtained back room to see DeWitt and finds out Dan’s there too.

At the courthouse, Neil has Gurgs let him into Abby’s office so he can get Abby’s research to bring to the club as her iPad was stolen on the subway.

Gurgs offers to coach Neil on confidence.

Abby tries to describe her presentation to DeWitt but he excuses himself to take a call.

Left alone, Abby asks Dan why he’s checking up on her. He insists she needs him.

DeWitt returns. When Dan tries to suss out what DeWitt really wants, DeWitt states he’s not into backroom dealing anymore.

Gurgs and Neil arrive at the club. Gurgs is overdressed while Neil looks like an off-strip blackjack dealer.

Gurgs talks her way past the doorman but Neil gets pegged as a waiter.

Olivia’s fishing for a sponsorship to join the club but failing. She notices Gurgs has gathered a crowd around her. She’s aghast that Gurgs and Neil were let into the club.

Abby concludes her verbal presentation description to DeWitt who seems impressed.

Abby steps away to deal with the person who stole her iPad. Dan asks DeWitt if he’s sincerely interested in Abby’s presentation. DeWitt says he wants the information in order to improve his chances to get re-elected.

He’s going to use Abby as the face of a soft-on-crime judge to scapegoat the city’s issues on.

Dan finds Abby and lets her know what DeWitt is up to. She looks disappointed and refuses to engage in his scheme. She insists on doing things her way.

Dan heads off. Abby discovers Neil is working as a bartender. He’s found his wheelhouse. He likes the confidence being a bartender gives him. He offers to listen to her problems.

She admits things seemed easier Upstate.

Neil says something that sparks inspiration for Abby. She realizes that DeWitt is crooked and she just needs to expose him. She propositions Olivia who initially refuses to help, thinking she can leverage the knowledge to get a club membership.

Olivia admits she hates the club but if you want to advance your career in law, you have to be a member.

Abby promises if Olivia sticks with her, she’ll rise to power without having to blackmail people.

Olivia and Abby confront DeWitt with the fact he’s having an affair with Bettencourt’s wife. Since Bettencourt is DeWitt’s biggest campaign donor, he’s motivated to give Abby whatever she wants. She just wants him to make the world a better place.

As they leave, Olivia warns the members that the club is in violation of a bunch of building codes and it’ll probably be shut down soon.

In her chambers, Neil’s making drinks for everyone. Dan and Abby debrief on how she dealt with DeWitt. Neil offers her a drink and she informs him she doesn’t drink. He’s crestfallen that he’s invested so much in bartending equipment.


Night Court
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Night Court Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Olivia, you feeling okay? I mean, I know you don’t like being here, but tonight, it actually shows.


Neil: Next case, the City of New York versus Captain James T. Kush. He was arrested for growing and selling marijuana on his charter boat.
Abby: Hold on. Yes, this is the least surprised I’ve ever been.
Dan: Your Honor, my client runs a respectable business beloved by college students, deadheads, and Woody Harrelson.
Kush: Plus, Your Excellency, I was in international waters. My only judge should be the sea.
Abby: Uh, you were in the East River. That is not international, nor water.