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The first defendants are Jessica Delgado and Kaitlyn Comackie on charges of disorderly conduct who come in carrying a wedding dress.

Abby expresses exasperation at another disorderly conduct case from the New York Wedding Expo.

When Abby hands down a fine and states the dress has to go back to the expo, one of the defendants runs off with it. Gurgs pursues her, wielding a sword.

The team discusses weddings while on their break in the cafeteria. Olivia bemoans the fact she’s never been a maid of honor.

Abby comes in and Gurgs asks if the Wedding Expo cases have her thinking about her wedding planning. She admits that she hasn’t done any planning since her dad passed away. She’s letting Rand take the lead.

Dan insists that she should care about her wedding, revealing his love of weddings. He points out to Abby that if she wants to get all her wedding planning done at once, everything she needs is in the courthouse at that moment. Gurgs volunteers to help organize which irks Olivia. Abby loves the idea of everyone working together to plan her wedding.

Gurgs and Olivia compete for Abby’s time. Olivia brings them down to the line-up room where she has a line-up of wedding dress models brought in.

Abby likes the line-up dress but admits she likes the dress the defendants were fighting over. Gurgs and Olivia dash out to be the first to get that dress for her.

Dan is approached by Cynthia Davies, wedding planner, who gives him a truffle chocolate.

Rich Morrison and Andrea Reynolds are the next case up. The charges are trespassing. Their defense is that they’re getting married at the art museum and needed to get in to see the layout. When Dan reveals the museum’s canceled their reservation, Rich swears he’ll burn the place to the ground.

Gurgs and Olivia compare notes and realize neither of them was able to find the dress. The next case is Jack Steel who turns out to be a stripper Gurgs hired. The back-up bailiff also turns out to be a stripper. Abby finally orders all strippers to go home. Most of the gallery leaves.

In the cafeteria, Cynthia continues to sample Dan with wedding treats. While she’s getting some champagne, Abby comes over to ask his advice. She explains that she’s tempted to slide into the canceled reservation at the art museum they learned about from the Rich and Andrea case. Her dad used to take her to museums and she feels like getting married there would feel like he’s with her.

Dan says she learned about the cancellation fair and square and should go for it.

Abby approaches Cynthia about booking the art museum but the opening’s been filled.

Dan tries to tell Cynthia that he’s never going to have another wedding. She’s so sure that he will, she gets down on one knee to get him to promise she’ll get to plan it.

Olivia tracks down the dress but one of Gurgs’s uniformed strippers tricks her into handing it over.

Abby overhears Jessica from the dress case having issues with her wedding planning. It turns out she’s the one that booked the art museum, but she had to push her wedding back six months, and she’s unhappy about that. Abby asks her what she really wants and she says she just wants to be married. Abby offers to marry her immediately in the courtroom if she’ll give up the museum booking. She agrees.

As the wedding gets underway, the bride’s father arrives at the last minute. Seeing him with the bride causes Abby to choke up and she excuses herself.

Gurgs and Olivia find her crying in a bathroom stall. Individually, they try different “cold feet” speeches that don’t work. Together, they cobble together a good pep talk, but it turns out that it isn’t Abby in the stall.

Dan finds Abby in her office and lets her know the couple were married by a stripper priest. Abby tells him she can’t have everything she wants on her wedding because her dad isn’t there.

Dan points out she needs to live her life and encourages her to start by starting her life with Rand. Abby admits he’s right and that it’s what her dad would’ve wanted. She’s just sad he won’t be at the wedding. Dan tells her he has an idea.

He brings her to the roof of the courthouse where a wedding venue’s been set up. He tells her the old Night Court crew used to hang out up there and he thought it could be a way to make her feel like Harry was with them on her wedding day.

Gurgs and Olivia come out to let her know they’ve discovered they work well together and would happily be her co-maids of honor. Abby informs them her maid-of-honor is her childhood friend, Nicole, who once saved her from a well.

They apologize for not getting her the dress she wanted. Turns out she caught the stripper and got it from him. She’s been wearing it under her robes ever since.

Neil asks Dan how he put it all together. Dan admits he used the freebies from Cynthia Davies. Cynthia shows up, outraged that he planned a wedding without her. She plans to bill him for it all and leaves.


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Night Court Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Olivia: You know what the craziest thing is about weddings?
Gurgs: The fact that you’re having a fancy meal with two people you know are definitely going to have se later?

Really? Another disorderly conduct from the New York Wedding Expo? They had Wrestlemania in the same building and somehow it was less violent.
