Jan and Charles - Only Murders In The Building
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In voiceover, Jan describes winter's effect on a bassoon and how she never named her instrument. During this, she is seen playing the bassoon onstage, being rescued by Charles, leaving the hospital, returning home, and reassembling her bassoon.

Back at the Arconia, Charles voices his concern about Jan playing in a concert the following day, as she is still in pain from her stabbing injury. He thinks it was Howard, and he feels bad that they didn't heed Jan's suggestions. He says she should have told the cops about Howard, but she responds that they need proof for that sort of thing -- and she never saw the person who stabbed her.

Charles is disappointed for following Oliver's crazy Sting theory, the Dimases, and the jewels, but Jan points out that they did solve one murder, just not Tim's. He says he should quit the podcast. Jan says she'll be supportive, but she knows how important it is to him. 

Charles gets an unexpected visit from his old "Brazzos" stunt double, Saz Potacki, who is dressed just like him.  

Oliver issues a retraction on a new episode of the podcast. Mabel continues to paint her mural. Mabel gets a paper under her door informing her of a building meeting later that day. Oscar emerges, getting dressed. They discuss the Dimases, the mysterious notes, Jan's stabbing, the poisonings, wondering who it could be that killed Tim. Mabel notices that Oscar has shaved his facial hair. He tells her he is going upstate with his father to meet a lawyer that may be able to help get his name cleared. 

Oliver arrives at his apartment to find an eviction notice on the door.

Back at Charles's apartment, Potacki is recounting an old stunt story from the "Brazzos" days. Jan remarks that she's only known Charles a few weeks and that she's recovering from a stabbing. Potacki notes that it's a good time to be starting a relationship with Charles as the podcast is starting to take off. 

Potacki gets a call from her agent and takes it in the other room, leaving Charles and Jan alone. Charles laments that Saz was always more popular than him. His ex-girlfriend Cookie even left him for Saz. There is a knock at the door. Jan answers -- it's Mabel and Oscar.

Charles introduces Mabel and Oscar to Potacki. Potacki says she has some thoughts on the investigation after looking at their Tim Kono murder board. 

Oliver arrives, with most of his clothes and some possessions, explaining he's been evicted. 

Mabel and Oliver can't quite figure out how Howard could connect to Tim. Potacki reminds them that they haven't considered the motive -- being drugged and shot requires pre-meditation and it must have been a crime of passion. Mabel shows Saz the "suicide" notes, which leads Saz to deduce they are accidental confessions. Saz also finds two cocktail glasses in the garbage bags -- she suggests they be checked for the same poison that killed Tim. They need to find the person who was in love with Tim.

Charles is unconvinced. Oliver reminds them that the building meeting is about to happen. Charles, Oliver, Mabel, and Oscar head to the lobby, leaving Jan in Saz's care.

At the meeting, Charles sees Howard, and Oscar remarks that he's not a likely killer. Bunny, after speaking with the police, orders everyone to sit. She tells everyone that Tim's death has now been ruled a homicide and that Oliver, Charles, and Mabel have violated their privacy. Oliver points out that uncovered a murder and also that he has official merchandise for sale. 

Several of the tenants complain about the negative impact the podcast has had on their lives. Charles announces that the podcast is finished, shocking Oliver and Mabel. Bunny states that tenants may be evicted if there are eight or more complaints against them from other tenants. Mabel and Charles protest. Bunny asks for a show of hands.

Howard speaks up, saying he is grateful for the trio. He got a toxicology report done for Evelyn, revealing that she was killed by the same poison as Tim. He also mentions Evelyn's stolen leg. Ursula asks why anyone would steal a dead cat's leg. Bunny tells Howard he himself has six complaints and should co-operate. Ndidi, Tim's next-door neighbor, chides Bunny for her bullying. The building takes a vote and the decision is to evict Mabel and Charles, along with Oliver.

Oscar leaves the trio to run some errands. Oliver, Mabel, and Charles assess the situation. Oliver says that if they find the murderer, they can't be evicted. Mabel agrees, but Charles is fed up. Mabel and Oliver apologize for their treatment of Jan. Charles reiterates that he wants to quit and doesn't want any of the evidence -- or Oliver -- in his apartment anymore. 

The trio returns to Charles's apartment only to find Jan disrobing on the couch, with Potacki sitting beside her. Charles begins to accuse them, but Jan cuts him off, saying she needed her bandage changed. 

Later, Jan expresses her disbelief that Charles thinks she would cheat on him. He notes that Potacki was his double for sex scenes as well. Jan packs her bag, telling him she will stay at her place tonight -- tomorrow night she has her big solo in Stravinsky's "Firebird" Suite. Charles apologizes again. Jan remarks how mean Bunny is and wonders if she might be the murderer.

Charles asks if he can come to see her play in the symphony, but Jan says she would be too nervous since she knows she won't be at her best. Jan leaves. 

Jan's bassoon playing can be heard throughout the Arconia. Oliver makes himself comfortable on Mabel's couch, with a clear view of Oscar and Mabel in bed. He puts on a mask and they say goodnight.

Oscar, dressed in a suit, heads out for his lawyer meeting. Mabel and Oliver discuss what to do next. Oliver says he has been considering Potacki's "crime of passion" theory and opens up the box of Tim's sex toys. Mabel and Oliver recap the night of Tim's death. Mabel remembers how on the elevator, the trash bag Tim was carrying had blue straps -- but all of the trash bags from Tim's apartment have orange straps. Oliver suggests that Tim was taking out his lover's trash. They decide to question Ndidi. 

Charles makes an omelet. Potacki comes by for a visit. She apologizes for upsetting Charles and sits down to eat the omelet. She confesses that Cookie has dumped her after twenty years together. Potacki tells Charles that he is a great guy and that Jan is good for him. She encourages Charles to go to the symphony to watch Jan have her big moment.

Oliver and Mabel visit Ndidi. She tells them that she never saw Tim with anyone, but they heard loud noises from Tim's apartment late at night. Ndidi says that despite disliking Tim, it was clear he knew how to please a woman. 

Charles arrives at the symphony just in time.

Oliver and Mabel try to make sense of Tim's mystery girl -- other than the first "engagement" ring, there were no signs of her. Oliver goes through the sex toys again. They find one that they can't figure out -- it's an "Exotic Instruments" brand toy. Mabel looks it up. 

At the symphony, Charles strikes up a conversation with the young man beside him. The young man is very excited, because his girlfriend, a prodigy, is playing. The lights go down and the conductor enters. She introduces the first chair bassoonist, the youngest in the symphony's history -- Alison Tipton, the young man's girlfriend.

Mabel discovers that "Exotic Instruments" sells musical instruments, not sex toys. The mystery sex toy is a bassoon cleaner. 

Jan spies Charles in the audience. He has a nosebleed.


Only Murders In the Building
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