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News breaks that Jessica is working for Bobby. The press questions Bobby about it, and he doesn't react well in front of the press. He wants Derrick to help him handle it. He questions who leaked the news and wonders if Keri did it.

Keri's negotiation with the police department falls through because they don't like that Jessica who they deem is anti-cop is now working for the mayor.

Jessica tries to work with Keri, but Keri refuses.

Nick rescues Jessica from a mob of press. She picks up on little things about him and proposes he be her driver. She has him take her to where her cousin and aunt live in the bad part of town.

Yoli works in the same building. She has a run in with Jessica. Later she makes a tweet about Bobby's ineffectiveness and Derrick wants her to take it down. She refuses and she is fired.

Bobby tries to talk to Chuck to get the cop negotiation back on track. It doesn't work. He mentions Jessica is the problem. The cops all call in sick as a form of protest and strike. They do.

Jessica figures out that the cops have wanted the pensions to be fully funded. She comes up with a plan and tells Keri and Keri is reluctant to work with her. Keri strikes a new deal though.

Yoli blames Jessica for getting fired.

The blue flu is called off.

Bobby apologises to Keri for accusing her. They make up. He makes a statement addressing the press and introduces Jessica to the public as a critical role in resolving the issue. She gives a speech.

Jessica hires Yoli as her assistant.

Bobby figures out that Jessica arranged for the leak to get ahead of the drama.

Angela calls Jessica out on using money to connect with them. She gives Jessica money back for when she bought groceries. Someone takes pictures of her.

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Pearson Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Jessica: You brought me in to put out your fires Mr. Mayor.
Bobby: Not the ones you goddamn start!

Two birds. Instead of telling the public why you brought me in which you should have had an answer for this morning, show them!
