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Tommy helps Claudia dispose of Mai's body. 

Diamond, Jenard, and D-Mack attend Elijah's funeral, while Vic and Claudia attend Simon's.

Diamond, Jenard, and Vic tell Tommy they don't want him in the business anymore. They agree to buy his coke out, and then the three of them will go their separate ways. 

After Tommy and Diamond square up, Tommy tells Liliana he is re-investing the money into dahlia. And Liliana agrees to as well. 

Tommy and Claudia decide to move the dahlia through locker drops at the Convention Center. Claudia stresses that she doesn't want her family to find out about her involvement with dahlia. And while Tommy brings in Liliana, Claudia wants to bring in Reggie, but Tommy says no. 

The FBI raids the Flynn's dialysis center, and Claudia arrives in time to give them the documents they need to leave. Walter tells her yet again she isn't ready to lead the family. 

Jenard and Diamond decide to take 10% off all their moves to put aside, knowing the Serbs will eventually come back now that they've taken over their pipeline. 

Jenard pays D-Mack to look after Tommy and report back to him. But after D-Mack sees Tommy with JP, he gives Jenard his money back and quits the assignment. 

Liliana, Tommy, and Claudia test the Convention Center and decide it's safe to use for their drops. Liliana gives Soto and Moishe locker keys, which leads them to the center where they get the dahlia and say they're in to sell it. 

Walter wants Vic to find out where Claudia was that she was late to the dialysis center, but Vic refuses. 

Tommy tells JP he's a drug dealer, but he doesn't want him involved. 

Tommy, Liliana, and Claudia grab the chemist, forcing her to make more product. 

While Vic and Gloria are outside, someone shoots at them. Vic assumes it was the Serbs and tells Walter. 

Diamond meets a woman at the diner, Adrienne, and the two hook up. 

Reggie has eyes on Claudia, and he confronts her over ignoring his phone calls. The two fight, and then Claudia shoots him in the head. Later, Tommy and Claudia dispose of his body. 

Walter confronts the Serbs and kills three of them, telling the frightened waitress to tell Marković that he will burn the whole city down if he touches Vic. 

Power Book IV: Force
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Power Book IV: Force Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Jenard: You bad for business. Aight? Bad for the city.
Tommy: So, that's it?
Jenard: That's it.

Tommy: First time's always the hardest. Even if they had it coming.
Claudia: Never really thought about what happens after you kill someone.
Tommy: Only two things need to happen. You don't get caught, and they don't get found.