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Emily moves to Charm City, a city that is filled with super heroes and villains. She starts working at a company run by Bruce Wayne's cousin. The company is catered to normal people in the city that get affected by the disasters that come from the super heroes and villains.

Emily thinks they could do some good, but the people she works with like Teddy and Ron clue her in that the company isn't thriving. Anything that they try to create gets shut down because of funding. Emily tries to inspire them but there's not much she can do when Van announces that the company is closing.

Van is actually excited that the company will be closed down because he will get more from that, but Emily doesn't back down. After talking to Jackie, she realizes that there is something they could do. If they invent a successful idea, that might convince Bruce Wayne that they are worth keeping.

While watching one of the villains flying around, she gets the idea for a watch that could detect when a super hero or villain is approaching, so ordinary people can know to get out of the way. This would prevent accidents and could even work to find villains. This turns out to be true when Bruce Wayne keeps everyone employed, and even catches the Joker with this new gadget.

From there, Emily settles in with her new team who slowly start to become her friends too. 

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Powerless Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Emily: Why are you drinking champagne?
Van: Because I'm so sad.

You don't see that everyday
