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At Rene Bardot’s funeral, LaFayette says those who are responsible for his death will pay with blood and so will everyone they love. 

Javier decides he’s going to tell Teresa the truth about killing Rene. He gives Emilia a cell phone and a bag of cash. He tells her that if she doesn’t hear from him in three hours to run and don’t look back. 

The police pick up Javier before he can make it to Teresa. He texts Emilia and tells her to run. She calls Boaz, asking if she can return to Mexico. Later, the police let Javier go but Emilia is already gone. 

One of El Gordo’s men is arrested by the DEA and plans to give up Gordo and Teresa in order to get a deal. Gordo sends Ishmael, a hitman, to see Teresa to come up with a plan to kill the informant while he is being transported through New Orleans.

Ishmael kills a mailman who stumbles upon him planting explosives on the route to kill the informant. Pote considers the murder unnecessary and it angers him.  

When a woman and child are spotted inside the transport vehicle with the informant, Teresa orders the hit called off, but Ishmael refuses. Pote puts a bullet in him but it’s too late, he’s already set off the explosives but the timing is off and everyone lives. 

Gordon is furious that Teresa had Ismael killed. He sends his men to New Orleans to kill Teresa. 

Teresa makes sure the winery in Arizona and the distillery in New Orleans are clean of drugs, that way if the DEA show up, they’ll find nothing incriminating. 

Teresa gets Judge LaFayette and Marcel’s help for a last ditch effort to silence the informant. They need to send someone inside the prison to kill him before his deal is signed in 48 hours. Javier volunteers to go in. 

Inside the prison, another inmate recognizes Javier as the man who killed his cousin in Mexico. When Javier is about to take out the informant, the other inmate attacks Javier and the plan fails.

Tony threatens to return to Mexico. He tells Teresa that he knows that Pote killed his father. Teresa explains that Guero and Tony’s father stole from the cartel and put Teresa, Brenda, and Tony’s lives in danger. She also admits that Pote was sent to kill her as well, but now Pote would take a bullet for her, as he would for Tony. Teresa decides it’s time for Tony to come and live with her.

Pote tells Kelly Anne that Tony held a gun on him and says if Tony eventually has the courage to pull the trigger, he’s okay with that. Kelly Anne is upset. She tells Pote she loves him. He says he doesn’t deserve it because he’s a murderer. She reminds him that so is she.

On her way to Mexico, Emlia gets pulled over by the police for her broken taillight. She panics, runs, and is arrested.  

Queen of the South
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Queen of the South Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Tony: You have me living with my father’s killer.
Teresa: Tony?
Tony: You’re no better than the people you say you’re protecting me from. I’m going back to Mexico and I never want to see you again.

Rene, he was a son of a bitch but he was my blood, and I promise you, whoever did this will pay with theirs. Them and everyone they love. Amen.

Judge LaFayette