Devastating Results - Queen Sugar
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Someone dismantled the fire alarms at the Queen Sugar mill and accelerant was found at multiple sources of origin. The fire marshall believes it to be arson. 

Nova shows up the morning after the mill fire to talk to Charley but neither Charley nor Ralph Angel will speak to her. Calvin calls Nova who is in tears because she fears she’s lost her family. Calvin comes to her house where he runs into Micah.

After a conversation with Micah, Nova asks Calvin if he ever witnessed other officers abusing black and brown people and did nothing. Calvin admits he did but says that loving Nova has made him want to be a better man. 

Violet summons Sam Landry to her diner. He swears he had nothing to do with the mill fire and that this is bigger than him. Violet tells him she’s calling in her favor and he needs to put the dogs he’s been lying with back on their leash. 

Charley confronts Francis Boudreaux who swears she isn’t responsible for the mill fire but she’s glad that someone did it because Charley needed to be put in her place. She calls Charley an, “upstart Mulato gal trying to be white.” Ralph Angel, who came with Charley, is outside the door and records the entire conversation. Unfortunately, Francis doesn’t admit to the arson.

Ralph Angel and Deesha face the board reviewing Ralph Angel’s re-entry program. They’re concerned about Benny’s arrest and how the mill fire will affect the farm’s ability to make payroll. Ralph Angel has to let several employees go until the review is completed.

Hollywood comes home. Violet has a dinner for the family, all but Nova. Charley is frustrated by the lack of progress in the arson investigation. Later, Violet prays for the family, even Nova.

Micah and Keke get back together. Keke talks about the possibility of taking their relationship to the next level on prom night. 

Romero learns that Charley was the farm owner responsible for the two migrant workers deaths during the hurricane and he’s furious. When Charley can’t offer an explanation for her actions, he storms out. 


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Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Violet: Sam, I did not summon you here for pleasantries or to talk old times. Have you lost your damn mind? Now I held off calling you even when my shop was trashed because I can handle my own things but this is my family. You crossed a line.
Sam: You know that’s not my style. I bark loud to protect my business and my land but I would never do something like this. You know that, Violet.
Violet: Then you tell that to Charley who just had the heaven knocked out of her. It may not be your style but it’s your people. Put a stop to it.
Sam: This is bigger than me. It’s out of my hands now.
Violet: Sam Landry, I’m calling in that favor. You find a way to put the dogs you lying with back on the leash.
Sam: I’ll try my best.
Violet: Don’t try. Do it.

Nova: Charley, wait. Please. I know you don’t want to hear from me but let’s just talk through things first before we do anything rash.
Charley: You don’t get to say that to me, to us, and there is no we.