Coming Together For Darla - Queen Sugar
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Charley invites Nova to go away together to a rustic women’s retreat where the two try to repair their relationship. Nova says she got together with Remy because she didn’t think Charley and Remy had slept together and she wanted to explore the relationship without Charley telling her not to. 


Nova and Charley recall Nova visiting Charley in LA while Charley was in high school and Nova was a freshman in college. Nova felt like Charley was bringing her to places she couldn’t possibly afford on purpose. She felt like Charley was embarrassed by her. Charley felt like Nova was constantly belittling her clothes and her friends. The two had no idea how the other felt. 


Violet tells Nova how her book brought back horrible memories into her life and her marriage. Nova apologizes again and admits she should have told everyone about the book ahead of time, but Violet asks if their concerns about it would have stopped her from publishing it anyway.


The insurance company won’t cover the fire at the mill because the police believe it’s arson. They need the case to be closed first. Nova offers to help Charley figure out if Old World Energy is involved. 


Darla’s old friend, Jordan is in town and her Darla’s mother pushes her to reconnect. Jordan is still a party girl and goes on and on about how lit they used to get and a party where Darla was handed off between two men, Tom and Chase. 


Upset, Darla runs out on Jordan and ends up at a bar. This time, she has several shots. Violet runs into Darla and takes her home. When Darla shares what she learned about her past, which was the night that Blue was conceived, Violet tells her that what happened was rape. If Darla was so high that she can’t even remember the incident, then no one had the right to take advantage of her that way. 


Darla shares what she’s learned with Ralph Angel, who comforts Darla and stays on the couch at her place that night, missing two phone calls from Deesha. 


Micah takes Blue to the park but loses track of Blue when he heads to the bathroom. Blue finds a police officer and stays with him, but when Micah shows up, the officer is aggressive and insists on seeing his ID. Micah gets upset, also upsetting Blue. 

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Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Micah: You’re such a ham, Blue.
Blue: Virginia salty.

Nova: I’m not giving up. Please, don’t give up on me.
Violet: Nova, I’ve got memories I left in the past seeping into my bones again, invading my mind, my marriage. It don’t feel good. That’s on you.
Nova: You know what, I’m more sorry than I’ve ever been about anything. I should have discussed what I was doing with you, with everyone. Got your blessing.
Violet: And if I have said "no, don’t do it," would you have listened?