A Family Decision - Queen Sugar
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Blue finds his letter of acceptance to the Sidwell Friends Academy and thinks the school looks really cool until he realizes he’d have to move away from his parents. He says he never wants to move away from his family.

Violet gets Nova to call Ralph Angel and stresses that Blue should stay in St. Jo’s. Violet calls Ralph Angel and tells the story of someone else’s child who didn’t make it into college but is now in a management training program at a grocery store and considered an essential worker. She means it to be an example of how people can do just fine staying in St. Jo, but it has the opposite effect on Ralph Angel.

Ralph Angel rethinks their decision after talking with Micah, who says he’s glad the elite education he had in LA helped give him choices later on. Micah is grateful his parents helped give him those options.

Blue tells his parents he dreamt about being an astronaut or President, but then says he wants to be a farmer because that’s what his father and grandfather were. On further questioning, Blue admits he might really like to go to that school.

Ralph Angel and Darla have a family video call where Blue announces he’s going to the private school in Washington, D.C. Everyone is thrilled, except for Violet, although she pretends to be happy for Blue sake.

Later, Violet calls Ralph Angel and tells him he should be ashamed of himself for taking Blue away from her. She claims she’s as much Blue’s parent as he is. Ralph Angel disagrees.

Charley is feeling better. Davis stocks her house up with food, fixes the door he broke to get in, and offers to be there to make her meals. The two bond over how proud they are of Micah and share memories of raising him. They also joke about Davis being a history nerd but never sharing that with his fans.

When Charley thanks Davis for being there for her, he says he will always be there when she needs him, any time, anywhere.

Nova looks into the mystery email she received about the police paralyzing a college sports star named Andre Nixon many years ago. Andre was paralyzed when the police beat him after he was caught stealing, but he was too scared to testify.

When Nova asks Andre if he remembers the cop who beat him, he says he thought she already knew because she wrote about him in her book. Nova is stunned when Andre says it was Calvin who paralyzed him.

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Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Violet: I thought you said I should stop meddling.
Hollywood: You’re still meddling, just hiding behind other people’s backs to do it.

Charley: How bad was I?
Davis: You couldn’t look bad, Charley, if you tried.