A Developing Friendship - Queen Sugar
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A judge stops further excavation of the Bordelon farm. The bones are being examined. Charley's attorney says that even if the bones match the missing men and their families file a civil suit, it would be almost impossible for them to win, but Ralph Angel is upset that Ernest's name is getting dragged through the mud in the meantime.

Darla had her parents send her the money from her college account but is hesitant about telling Ralph Angel. Ralph Angel makes contact with Theo. Ralph Angel takes Theo's wad of cash and agrees to drive the van when they steal from the Landry's warehouse.

When Ralph Angel shows up at the warehouse, Theo says he needs him to do more than drive. He needs him to help load the stolen goods. If he doesn't want to do it, he can give Theo the money back and walk away. Ralph Angel agrees to help. Ralph Angel is terrified of getting caught, but they get away with the theft without incident.

Later, when Darla is stressed about the bills, Ralph Angel says he got some side work and will have more next week. He plans to take Darla away for a long weekend so they can enjoy some time before the baby comes.

Charley tells Nova that she's getting dragged by Black Twitter over her interview and reconciliation with Davis. Violet tells Charley to stop looking for approval from people she doesn't know. Who she loves is her business and no one else's.

Billie apologizes to Nova for how she outed her to Ernest. It was wrong no matter what the circumstance. Nova accepts her apology, and they both agree to look towards the future and not the past.

Prosper apologizes to Billie for how he failed her as a father in the past. Billie says she only wanted to be worthy of his love. Prosper assures her she always has been, and the two decide to start over.

In the end, the remains found on the farm were 150 years old. Ernest didn't kill anyone. Nova asks Dominic if he can help her research who the bones may have belonged to, and he agrees.

Queen Sugar
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Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

I’ve been thinking a lot about Mr. Prosper and my own experience with police abuse and what I realize, and have to remind myself, that I can’t control any of that. The only thing I can control is how I respond to it.


Ralph Angel: I got some pickup work with my boy, Theo.
Darla: Theo from prison.
Ralph Angel: I used to be Ralph Angel from prison.