It Begins - Rabbit Hole
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John Weir is in the confessional. He's lost. He can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not. He hasn't slept in two days. There were too many possibilities, too many motivations. The friend who used to help him through times like these died. In his line of work, it's best not to get close to anyone. He just needs someone to listen. He hopes that maybe God can tell him what the fuck is going on.

Three weeks earlier.

A table of four gentlemen is having cocktails and they see someone with a guy who isn't with his wife. At the same time, John sees a commercial for an affair and asks the bartender to change the channel.

Another guy wanders up, demanding the bartender change the channel. He'll give John five grand to change the channel. He decides against it and says just change the channel. There is news that the world's largest erectile dysfunction medication causes cancer.

A woman named Hailey introduces herself to John. She's in from Pittsburgh for some meetings. She stopped by to have some wine and troll the dating apps for some fun, but then she looked up and saw him, so there they are.

The next morning, the news is still all aflutter about the ED drug. He pulls apart the alarm clock, finding a camera, or so he says. He blames a woman named Madi for trying to blackmail him, but it won't work. He's impressed with how good she is. She calls him an asshole.

John's taxi is followed, and he's met by Agent Jo Madi. He calls her out on the blackmail and the tail, but she seems confused.

The guy who demanded the channel be changed sold all of his shares in the ED drug because of what was on the TV, but it wasn't real. His sale began the biggest selloff. There was a guy across the bar manipulating the TV feed to benefit John's client.

John's staff teases him about being stingy before they all toast to Tom, who is coming up. John says, you're gonna love 'im.

John is at a school talent show watching a kid play wild thing. He gives the kid a standing ovation. It's his kid, and the kid's mother is in the audience, too. John's kid hates him, or so he thinks. He and his ex or whatever seem to get along well.

Someone is watching his ex and son, named Sam, as they walk away.

Back at his place, John remembers his own dad, and it's not a great memory.

John visits Arda Analytics and a guy named Miles Valence. John is apparently quite the guy who, as he puts it, likes being paid by rich assholes to take down other rich assholes to make money.

Valence shows him their business. As they're walking around, John scopes out the place, noting cameras, etc. He says their data can predict anything.

Miles has a job for John. He thinks he can trust John, although he taught John not to trust anybody.

A camera is recording everything, every inch John moves. Madi is waiting for him outside. He prefers cash, so he can't do Uber or Lyft. Madi says she knows he considers himself Robin Hood, but messing with Valence isn't worth the risk.

John says to tell the guys following him that he's heading back to the office. She calls him paranoid.

The Intern's name is Kyle.

Luxbrant and Bandamar Group are the two companies in the next job. They've got to plant a seed that Bandamar is in bed with the feds so that it creates enough doubt to get Luxabrant out of a sticky situation.

They've got quite a setup in what looks like a warehouse staging spot. They have everything they need to make their situations happen, including a semi they leave abandoned in the street.

The manipulation goes as planned, but it's quite a process to pull it off.

John has nightmares.

He's at his childhood home. His father may have blown his brains out, and he may have found him. John visits his dad's grave and then reports to Valence.

John has his team look into Hailey, who seems to be who she says she is. They wonder why he's interested, and John says he just has a bad feeling.

When he catches up with her, she says he popped up on the dating app, and she swiped right. As she's looking at his photo, his face is on the jumbotron. He's wanted for Edward Homm's murder.

Valence fucked them, but John says this doesn't change a thing, and he'll be back at the office in ten. When he gets to the office, it explodes. A camera captures him in front of the building.

John tries calling Valence, and they hang up on him. He visits Arda Analytics and says he has a bomb so he can get up there. Valence says he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. He's scared shitless. I think he's going to jump off a high rise balcony. They dold him to do it now. And he does it! Holy shit. He should have grabbed the laptop!

John hits the stairs as sirens are going off. When he gets to the lobby, he detonates his bomb to get away.

John has images of the day playing over in his mind. He's back at his childhood home, where Edward Homm is tied to a chair.

Rabbit Hole
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Rabbit Hole Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Hailey: My hotel's right across the street.
John: Well, that's convenient. I hope you have a good night's sleep. Oh, wait a second. I see what you're saying. OK, just this once. Bartender! Can you please bring me the bill as fast as humanly possible?

Hailey: Hey, asshole. If you really thought I was going to blackmail you, why'd you sleep with me?
John: You're kidding, right?