Hanging on His Every Word - Rabbit Hole
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Central America 1983

Ben was with a partner. The partner says our democracy is no different than the shitholes they traffic in. Ben doesn't want to have the conversation right now. But the dead guy before them has been groomed for months, and the day before the hit, this shit happens.

The guy wonders, what does any of this have to do with democracy? He wonders why we're giving control to people like the impending president when they could be selling it to the highest bidder instead.

I guess that was Crowley?


Senator Nora Evers is giving a speech about her support in the shared data act. She says to those who want privacy, what do you have to hide?

In light of her meteoric rise, the former vice president abruptly abandoned his campaign. They're dropping like flies. I guess Crowley's got something on them all.

Weir is having a panic attack, imagining his father and not the intern killing all of his friends. John tells his dad that maybe he should do his part in this. Ben apologizes. He has done it many times. John isn't in the mood. He no longer believes anything his father has to say.

The gang is currently causing a traffic jam so they get Evers in a car with them. She's something else. No fear.

John shows her how the money is being laundered through to her campaign. He doesn't care if she goes on to take the White House. He just wants the man pulling the strings.

She doesn't care. If he releases the information, it will dominate one news cycle. Might force her out of the race, but she'll just be a senator a few more years and try again. It's nothing compared to what "they" have on her.

She was blindfolded and taken to a location. There was a briefcase filled with hugely compromising materials. She hears his graveling voice in her sleep and regrets ever playing ball with him, but there's no way she'll help John. What if they help her get the case back? That gets her attention. John begins asking questions, and Homm immediately knows where she was taken. He even knows what it smells like.

John is now working independently of Ben, especially since John brought in one of Evers's men.

The place they need to crack is pretty incredible and the plan has to be very precise. Hailey has to put the money she stole into escrow for the duration of the plan. Now, she decides not to trust John, but he insists.

Morgan's doing a podcast about Homm, and he's tying Weir to an upstate shooting. He also spots what is likely Homm. And we know it is. Homm's "body" was also accidentally creamated before it could be DNA tested. He figures Homm stumbled onto something big and had to go underground.

Edward is watching it noting that it's not good. Ben poo poos Morgan's work, but Edward says it's already got 23k hits. Homm tries to connect with Ben, but Ben ain't having it. He wonders if Morgan really has a government informant, and Ben says it doesn't matter because they think they're in upstate New York. Shaw's guest says Edward also has a pretty nifty street food blog.

Crowley is having his people put their phones in Faraday bags for the duration of a job. He's sending them out of town with burner phones.

John needs Hailey to put her crypto info into something for a transfer. She wonders what if everything that has happened so far is all just to get her to give him all of her money. All she's got is his word, but that's all he's got to give right now.

She acquiesces and tells him he should like down for a bit. Evers's handler won't take his eyes off of him.

Hailey looks at John's phone with a never-ending string of You There? messages. She's worried enough that she alerts Ben. He says he's just not thinking clearly, which happens sometimes. John calls it going down the hole. Hailey says he needs psychological help, and Ben says eventually. Ben is chuffed that Hailey will be accompanying him on the mission and Ben isn't. He tries to get her to tell him the details, but she recognizes his reverse psychology playing on her empathy. He gets nothing.

There is an underground band of youths firing themselves up. Kyle and his girlfriend are there. Kyle is transfixed. Everyone is screaming Kill Your Master or someething, but the look on his face never changes.

He's struggling, and he's got to do something. He can't live like this anymore. Either help him or get out of his way, he tells his girlfriend, who is whining and screaming as usual. Kyle returns to cradle her as she cries don't leave me.

She does great and keeps pointing her laser and they keep resetting it. The guy is beside himself when she says she should probably take her collectibles and get out.

Evers's man is busy playing his part as a vet with claustrophobia, and his words provoke John to remember his dead team. It worked, except that John fucked up. He left the key in Crowley's box. She doesn't listen to John's orders, creates a diversion, and retrieves the key from Crowley's box. But when the guy sees the pen, he hesitates. Hailey walks out. They're good.

She's impressed with her level of trust, and John apologizes for fucking up. She saved his ass. She says he's human. He wants to kiss her. She smiles. Every woman is a sucker for confidence. They kiss.

All Evers has to do is give them everything they need to find Crowley. Crowley is already on it. He's probably going to kill Evers. His Farraday people are unloading weapons.

Kyle is similarly locked and loaded. The master dies today, he says.

John gets a call that Evers is going to be late. John knows that's not a good idea. She's killed, and it's Kyle's girlfriend holding the gun. The other two are aiming for Evers's buddy who was on the job with them.

The data act is now propelled to the floor for a vote with lots support.

Kyle is showering his girl with compliments, his voice slipping in and out of a foreign accent. They had to scrape so many Facebook accounts to find the right girl, so angry, struggles with mental illness, attachment disorders, most importantly, someone he could stand to fuck. With enough data, you can make anyone do what you want them to.

He's changed her meds out little by little. He had to make her need him like she needed oxygen. Then he pet the dog and then hit the dog. Lovers her, hates her, leaving, staying. He kills her.

John is looking at information about Eliza and ties her to the intern.

John gets a message from who he thinks is Valence. I'm sorry, John, but I had to make it look real. There's no way that's Valence.

Rabbit Hole
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Rabbit Hole Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Ben: Jonathan? It matters to me what you think of me.
John: You really must have been something back in the day. Problem is I just don't believe you anymore.

Are you tired of living in fear. The Data Act isn't about privacy, it's about eliminating fear and making this the safest and most powerful democracy in the world.

Senator Evers