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A bomb explodes in the lobby of the Mercodyne Building in Los Angeles. Monica explains that the Department of Defense owns 30 percent of Onira-Tech. Silas, the terrorist behind the bomb, demands Defense clean up a munition dumping ground in Doyle County or more bombs will go off. Monica wants to use Reverie to gain information from the comatose and dying Denise Lang, who survived the bombing and crossed paths with Silas. Mara agrees to go in. Denise feels disoriented in Reverie. Charlie and Monica argue over her motivations. The woman in the coma is an imposter, not Denise Lang. She's Ashley Trent, and she helped Silas get through security with the bomb. But Mara doesn't buy that Ashley knew Silas' plan. Mara talks with Ashley's mother. Ashley's father is in prison for embezzlement. Charlie drags Alexis along to talk with Ashley's friend Edith Leonard. Edith also turns out to be a terrorist and shoots herself before she gives up any information. Mara goes back into Reverie, disguised as Edith. Ashley is weirded out by Reverie and collapses. Mara finds Ashley in her family's cabin in the woods, recreated inside her Reverie. Mara tells Ashley the truth. Silas lied to Ashley, telling her no one would get hurt. Silas preyed on Ashley's need for connection. Ashley tells Mara where another bomb is located. As Ashley fades, her Reverie breaks down. Mara has to run back to the mandala in the lobby to exit the program. Ashley's dying wish was for Mara to tell her mother "Ladybug loves you so very much" and read some of "Alice in Wonderland" to her. Monica brings a bottle and they all toast the end of a hard day. 

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Reverie Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Mara: So I'm the sneaky neighbor stealing the cable.
Paul: That's one way to look at it.

Paul: This is different. This is risky. I don't even know if we can do it.
Alexis: Oh, we can do it.
Paul: The question is should we?
Alexis: Why not? It's a great technical challenge and a perfect test case for Reverie's expansion.