Assigning Musical Roles - RuPaul's Drag Race
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The guest judge is Andra Day.

The queens return to the Werk Room to read Jasmine Kennedie's long lipstick message. Daya Betty is upset that Jasmine wished others good luck and not her.

RuPaul reveals that the next Maxi Challenge is a Rusical challenge. The Rusical is inspired by the Broadway hit, Moulin Rouge! Roles include Saltine, Mama Z, the Green Fairy, and four scene-stealing Moulin Ru girls (Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent). The queens will have to decide who gets what parts.

Daya Betty demands to be Uniqueness. DeJa takes a stand and wants the role of Nerve. Angeria Paris VanMichaels liked Talent or Green Fairy, but Willow Pill wants to be Green Fairy. Angeria gives up the Green Fairy role.

Jorgeous wants to be Talent. Angeria is frustrated, but she agrees to be Charisma and let Jorgeous take Talent.

Bosco and Lady Camden fight for the role of Saltine. They bicker and say shady comments; Bosco forces the other queens to vote publicly for who should be Saltine.

Angeria votes Bosco. Jorgeous votes Lady Camden. Jorgeous votes Lady Camden. Daya votes Bosco. The tiebreaker votes comes down to Willow Pill.

Willow Pill votes Bosco to be Saltine. Lady Camden is forced to be Mama Z. Both Bosco and Lady Camden are upset and leave the group.

Angeria tries to comfort and encourage Lady Camden about being stuck in a role she didn't want. Lady Camden starts to feel better and thinks she can add kookiness to the role.

When the queens head to the main stage for choreography, they see Leslie Jordan is there for rehearsal. Leslie will be their director.

Bosco easily picks up the dancing choreography. Angeria isn't sure about remembering the dance moves, but they're encouraging her with tricks. Jorgeous is great with dancing, but they're curious if she'll remember all her choreography. Lady Camden nails all her choreography.

During the next day, Lady Camden looks on the bright side while getting ready. Jorgeous reveals she hates musical theater. Bosco was trained in tap dance by her grandmother. Jorgeous taught herself dance from watching movies.

On the main stage, RuPaul wears a fitted mini dress.

The queens perform in the Moulin Ru rusical.

The runway category is "Mirror Mirror." Lady Camden wears a glittery ensemble inspired by a shooting star, Bosco wears a Muglair sexy robot, Willow Pill wears Joan Jett-inspired rocker outfit with rockets, Angeria wears a mermaid scale gown, Daya Betty wears a KISS-inspired rocker with spikes, DeJa Skye wears a gown with a holographic crown and design, and Jorgeous wears a Cardi B-inspired ribcage latex dress.

During the judging panel, RuPaul reveals it's a tight race and they'll have to split hairs. The judges think Lady Camden shined in her role and on the runway, Bosco needed to push more in her performance and the runway, Willow was funny in her performance but her runway split the judges, Angeria dominated with her runway while her performance was average, Daya Betty shined in her role and the runway, DeJa came to life during her rap scene but her runway wasn't strong, and Jorgeous faded during her performance and her face didn't match the scene, but her runway was beautiful.

RuPaul asks the queens who should go home and why. Lady Camden choose Bosco. Bosco chooses Jorgeous. Willow chooses Bosco. Angeria chooses Bosco. Daya chooses Bosco. DeJa chooses Bosco. Jorgeous chooses Bosco.

During the secret judging panel, the judges think Lady Camden was dynamic in the Rusical and the runway, Bosco didn't take the lead, Willow succeeded in her performance, Angeria did a good job in her small role, Daya brought more to her small role, DeJa's runway ruined her chances to win the round, and Jorgeous lost her role when she was in a group.

Daya Betty is safe. Willow Pill is safe. Lady Camden is the winner of the Maxi Challenge. Angeria is safe. DeJa is safe. Bosco and Jorgeous are at the bottom.

The lip-sync song is "Heartbreak Hotel (Remix)" by Whitney Houston. Both Jorgeous and Bosco are serving facial expressions and emotions.

Jorgeous wins the lip-sync.

Bosco has the golden candy bar. She survives and stays in the competition.

RuPaul's Drag Race
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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 14 Episode 12 Quotes

But when it comes to a competition between, like, being a giant hoe, you’re not gonna beat me!


[In confessional] I think I’ve established that compromise is for losers.

Daya Betty