Escape Undetected - SEAL Team
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It's three months later.

Clay is married, Sonny is a father, and Jason is struggling.

Clay thinks there's a neurological issue with him, but wants to learn more first.

They all learn they are being deployed early and take it in different ways.

Ray is struggling to move on from his PTSD and Jason tells him to keep it quiet because it could ruin his plans.

Sonny says a tearful goodbye to his new daughter and tells Davis he wants her in his life, but she is not interested. It's not possible given their jobs.

Everyone is being sent to North Korea where a woman named Kwan will lead them to a base to get someone who has been kidnapped.

This allows them to make a sneaky entry into the base, but it all goes up in the air when Kwan gets caught and taken away.

Bravo Team is trapped in the base and can't find a way forward, and Clay accidentally trips the wires, so the bad guys go to investigate what is happening and everyone is hiding at the bottom, aside from Jason.

Jason takes aim at the man as he strikes up a cigarette and it looks like ash will hit the people below.

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SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

What do we know now? Talk to me.


From here on out, we're operating as though the mission has been compromised.
