Jason's New Plan - SEAL Team
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Jason and Mandy hook up and they realize there is more to their relationship than meets the eye.

Mandy shows up at Ray's baby shower and it's clear Sonny and the other members of the team are not ready to let her back in.

Jason wants to pursue a relationship with Mandy.

Meanwhile, Clay gets closer to his father but he realizes there is more to his condition.

They agree to repair their relationship for whatever time they have left and it all moves along swimmingly.

Sonny realizes Davis will never get with him and he turns to his ex to ask them to become a family.

Hannah seems open to it but is worried about changing things.

Ray and his daughter happen upon a man who claims to be a veteran but he is homeless.

Ray later finds him overdosed.

The team heads to Afghanistan as the Taliban utilizes new weapons to cause problems for everyone.

They manage to save a group of people and take them to a safe zone.

Jason chats with his daughter about Mandy and he realizes they could have a relationship so he calls her and they get closer again.

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SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

We can make this a thing.


Well, if it isn't Spook.
