Team MDR - Severance Season 1 Episode 6
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Ms. Cobel fashions a necklace so that she can wear Petey's chip around her neck. Mr. Graner calls Ms. Cobel, letting her know that the interference on the chip can be traced to Rugabe. Ms. Cobel prays at her shrine to Kier Eagan.

Mark goes to the basement and checks Petey's phone, full of missed calls from a blocked number.

Mark drives off to work, throwing the phone in an outside garbage bin.

Burt takes Irving to a room full of green plants. Burt says it could be their secret place. Burt takes Irving's hand, stating that the manual doesn't say anything about lip-to-lip contact. Irving says it does discourage romantic fraternization. Burt attempts to kiss him, but Irving says he is not ready. They stand together, touching foreheads.

Devon walks through the snow with baby Eleanor on her chest. She spots Gabby with her children and husband. Gabby doesn't seem to recognize her. Devon re-introduces herself and notes William's cuteness. Gabby says her son's name is Bradley.

Gabby's husband introduces himself to Devon. Angelo tells Gabby they should leave, calling their other boys as they go. Devon is thoroughly confused.

Mark continues to read Ricken's book, which talks about camaraderie.

Irving says that the four of them -- Dylan, Mark, Helly, and himself -- should go back to O&D to unite the departments. Helly agrees that O&D is the next piece of the puzzle and suggests going on another "mental health walk."

Helly gets back to work, and Dylan accuses Mark of flirting with Helly. Mr. Milchick shows up and asks them what they are discussing. They collectively agree that they are talking about Ms. Casey, then Mark asks where she is.

Ms. Cobel explains that Ms. Casey was supposed to be guarding Helly, and she failed; therefore, she was sent to the break room.

Mark says it was his fault, so he should have been the one to go but insists he was just looking out for Helly's mental health.

Ms. Cobel shows Mark the security footage of him going into the plastic-covered room with Helly. He asks what they actually do here at Lumon. She yells at him that they serve Kier and revokes Macrodata's hallway privileges.

Helly sketches while Dylan laments the loss of Ms. Casey in Macrodata.

Dylan asks Helly about her and Mark, but she insists nothing happened between them.

Mark returns, telling the team that Ms. Casey is in the break room. He also tells them their hallway privileges are revoked until they hit quota.

Irving apologizes, as he has been setting a bad example.

Mark asks Irving the way to O&D.

The Macrodata team head down the hallway. Cobel and Milchick notice on the security camera.

Macrodata arrives at O&D. Burt takes them in back, where many people work on strange machines. Burt announces to the O&D crew that Macrodata Refinement is here. One of the O&D workers, Elizabeth, asks what they refine. Irving asks why she is holding a watering can.

Burt says they think they are making supplies for upstairs, and Elizabeth notes that it was hatchets the week before. Felicia shushes her. Mark tells them about the baby goats. Burt notes that the work is mysterious but important. Irving agrees, but Helly is dubious.

Mark suggests they work together to find out the answers -- to the goats, how big the place is, how many of them are there. They shouldn't be in the dark about what they do.

Burt agrees, saying Kier would want them to be full partners in knowledge. Dylan wanders around. Burt suggests that he and Mark reach out to the goat department. Milchick enters. Dylan pockets what looks like an instructional card with the images of two men on it.

Milchick leads the Macrodata team back to their department, where Ms. Cobel is waiting.

Ms. Cobel sings a hymn in praise of Kier. Mr. Graner takes Mark to the break room. As Mark heads down the hallway, he sees Ms. Casey exiting. They meet awkwardly in the middle and squeeze past each other.

Mark and Alexa are out for dinner together. He has red marks on his knuckles. She asks him how he got them, and he says they told him he hurt himself at work lifting a water cooler jug. They discuss the new baby and Devon's nursing difficulties.

Alexa asks if Mark ever thought about having kids. He says he and Gemma tried but didn't take, and they had talked about adopting but then decided to make the most of the life they had. 

Mark asks if it's weird that he's talking about his late wife. Alexa says she's okay with it. Mark jokes about severance, and they laugh together.

Devon researches Gabby online, finding out that her husband is a senator who is pro-legalized severance. Ricken comes to get Devon, telling her the lactation consultant is here. It's Mrs. Selvig.

Mrs. Selvig says she was so happy when Mark suggested her. Ricken says they are still shopping around for consultants. Eleanor starts to cry. Mrs. Selvig takes her and starts humming the Kier hymn. Eleanor calms.

A little boy sits in front of loud cartoons on television, hands over his eyes, counting past 700.

Innie Dylan gains consciousness sitting in a closet with Milchick. Milchick asks him about the ideographic card Dylan stole at O&D. Dylan is entranced by the fact that he is in his Outie's house.

Milchick stresses that this information is extremely sensitive. Dylan says he hid it in the bathroom at work, in the second stall behind the toilet. Milchick thanks him.

The little boy rushes in, calling Dylan "daddy." Milchick pulls Dylan's son back, saying he told him to count to 1000. Dylan is confused as the little boy hugs him.

Milchick talks into a phone, telling the person on the other line to end it. A switch turns from on to off. Dylan switches consciousness. Milchick lets Dylan's son go, and the boy hugs his father again. Dylan asks if they are good and carries his son out of the closet.

Mark and Alexa are about to call it a night, when Mark notices a poster on a wall that features June. Her band is doing a show that night in a nearby alley.

It's a raging punk/metal show. June plays onstage. Mark films with his phone, but someone tells him not to. The song's lyrics repeat the phrase: "Fuck you, Lumon! I hate you, Lumon!" Alex and Mark exchange a look, then join in.

After the show, Mark sees June and asks how she's doing. Mark introduces Alexa compliments the band. Mark says her dad would have really liked the last song. She asks how Mark would even know that. A fight breaks out, and Mark and Alexa leave.

Alone, Mark starts to explain to Alexa about Petey. She kisses him.

Mr. Graner knocks on Mrs. Selvig/Cobel's door. She asks if he found Rugabe. He asks her what she's wearing. She explains that she was doing some private research.

Mr. Graner explains that he got a tip that Rugabe is probably hiding out at the local college campus, under the dean's protection. He asks if Ms. Cobel wants to come with him, but she refuses, saying he should come back when he has Rugabe.

Mark and Alexa are asleep in bed together. Mark remembers Petey. He goes outside and digs the phone out of the garbage. He reassembles it, and it rings. He answers the blocked number. A woman's voice asks, "Who is this?" He says he's a friend of Petey's.

The voice asks if he is Mark Scout and asks what Petey told him before he died. Mark says he wants to understand. The woman asks if he can come to meet her now.

Two maintenance men install locking sliding doors at the entry of the Macrodata department.

Mark heads to the college campus. There he meets an older woman, recognizing her voice from the phone. She asks if he's alone. He says he used to teach at the school. He asks who she is. She asks him to come with her.


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Severance Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Dylan: Maybe love transcends severance.
Helly: You think so?
Dylan: No.

Tame in me the tempers four, that I may serve thee evermore.
Place in me the values nine, that I may feel thy touch divine.

Ms. Cobel