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Ian's car goes into the water after Ryn takes control of the wheel to stop him from hitting Ben. Ben saves Ian and Ian goes on the news and shows video footage of Ryn turning into a mermaid.

Ben, Maddie, and Helen decide they need to hide Ryn. 

There is a two month time jump and riots have broken out all over the world. Only residents are admitted into Bristol Cove and the military is using sonic cannons to force the mermaids out of the water.  Authorities are searching for Ben and Maddie for questioning. 

Ben makes a plan for him, Ryn, and Maddie to cross the border and go to Canada, where they claim to protect the mermaids. Ben's dad wishes him luck and gives him the money he needs to make it there. When leaving, Ben sees his mom attempting to walk with a walker. 

Ben finds out Xander is trying to catch a mermaid for $100,000,000. 

Ben, Maddie, and Ryn steal a car, and Helen is taken by the military after they collect her blood sample. 

After stopping at a grocery store, Ben and Maddie realize how badly Ryn needs to get in the water. 

Helen, along with several others, is held at by the military like prisoners. Helen finds Rick and other members of his family. 

Xander and Calvin help catch one of the mermaids, but they realize it's Donna's daughter. 

Ben thinks his dad tipped the military off to their whereabouts, so Ben, Maddie, and Ryn continue on foot. 

Rick tells Helen that they started implanting tracking devices in everyone after Beth was killed. 

Ben, Maddie, and Ryn stay in an old cabin for the night but are discovered. Ben's dad comes in to talk them into giving up Ryn, but Ben refuses and uses his dad as leverage. 

Xander and Calvin collect their money for the mermaid. The buyer puts Cami in a muzzle and puts her on display for his guests.

Maddie gets shot and killed and Ryn gets taken by the military.

The scene flashes back to Ben debating whether or not he should save Ian, showing it was all a figment of his imagination. Ben swims away, leaving Ian to die. 

Calvin and his girlfriend buy a tour boat. 

The implantation worked and Meredith is carrying Ryn's baby. 

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Siren Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Ted: They know you're helping her, you know. They're looking for you.
Ben: I know.
Ted: Alright, go on. Be careful.
Ben: Thank you.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Take her. You saved my life.
