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Michael walks into a village and talks to people in Chechnya, identifying himself. It's the village he was at before. Some men come to take him and put a bag over his head.

The guys are back in Virginia Beach and none are happy. Bear talks to Gina. Gina talks to the guys, but they're still not happy. Bear talks to Buddha. It's not a happy talk.

Caulder walks into his house and talks with Dharma. She shows him a surf shop in Santa Cruz that she wants him to buy. She wants him to find Dawn and move. He's going to think about it.

Gina is brought into CIA Headquarters and she tries to explain herself away. She's being removed from her position. She's also told never to talk to Nasry again.

Nasry is taken to the Prince. They talk. The Prince tells Michael he doesn't trust him right before he slaughters a sheep.

He's put into a cell with the guy the US is looking for.

Bear and Buddha talk to the Commander who is asking a bunch of questions. After they both give the same information, Buddha confronts him again in the hall. It's even uglier. 

Caulder shows up to talk to Bear and questions letting Michael Nasry go. Caulder tells him about Lena. Bear tells Caulder he wants him back on the team.

Gina gets on a burner phone and makes a call. She's calling in a favor to someone to get phone records. 

Buddha goes home and greets Jackie. He found her gun and confronts her about it. And she tells him that Caulder gave it to her.

Gina gets information from her contact. She's in a parking garage and pulls out her gun because she thinks someone is there. She finds a bullet on the dash of her car. 

Caulder is at the doc's office being tested to see if he can return to duty. He lies about the headaches and is given clearance to return to duty.

Chase is at a bar and gets harassed by a guy named Anthony. He's with his galpal and Trevor. he goes into the bathroom and confronts Anthony and beats him up. Trevor comes in to stop him.

Chloe shows up at the Buddha's house with flowers for Jackie. She meets Buddha. She goes to the bathroom because she's freaked out and takes her asthma meds. Then she pulls out her gun.

They all sit down for dinner. Chloe can't eat and tells them she's not feeling well and needs to go home. Buddha is going to give her a ride home. They're in the car, talking. Buddha runs out of gas and he has to stop to fill it up. She pulls out her gun while Buddha fills up the car. Chloe starts her recording on her phone and is about to shoot Buddha when Anabel calls.

The kidnapped guy is asking Nasry all sorts of questions when Prince comes back in. Michael is begging for his life. He brings up Marissa that they can use her. Prince thinks he's a CIA plant. The Prince gives him a chance.

Buddha drops Chloe off when her computer gets a call from Michael. She's not there to get it because she's walking back to the hotel. 

Chloe has a little freak out at her hotel and notices she missed a call. Just as Michael is taken away to be killed, Chloe calls back. He pulls himself together before he answers.

He tells her to kill them all and then Prince cuts the video chat short.

Bear is at a bar and calls Gina wanting to know information. He leaves her a message and keeps drinking. Then he takes a woman back to his room. Then he feels guilty when he wakes up and has a Rip flashback.

Michael is still alive and is having something to eat with Prince when FSB guys show up. Nasry tells Prince that these guys are going to kill them. The FSB guy tells Prince he's incompetent.

Michael kills them all and saves the Prince. He tells Prince they need to leave.

Gina is at a bar drinking and making origami out of paper towels when she gets a call from Nasry showing the kidnapped guy.







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SIX Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Bear: You got something to say to me?
Buddha: I'm just wondering whose back you got? Hers our ours?
Bear: Buddha, you have to move on.
Buddha: I'm sorry, heffe, I can't do that.
Bear: Ever since Rip died, you have questioned every decision I have made for this team. It has to stop. Now.

Bear: Look, we're all pissed as we should be, but we did our jobs. You should remember that.
Trevor: Makes me wonder.
Fishbait: Wonder what?
Bear: I don't think you understood what happened.
Trevor: We got suckered, sleeper.