March 17, 2022 | 0 Comments
Saru: I have come to believe the limits that I place upon myself do not protect me so much as dull the brightness of my days.
Saru: I have come to believe the limits that I place upon myself do not protect me so much as dull the brightness of my days.
Stamets: Good news is I can get us out and we should survive. Rillak: Should? Stamets: Best I can do these days.
Ndoye: United Earth is my home. Its citizens are my family. Spent the last twenty years fighting to protect both. That is where my…
Book: It’s painful, the hole they leave behind.
Book: Love always ends in grief, but we can’t let the pain do this to us.
Tilly: I programmed the Dots to reinforce the deflector arrays and rerouted all power to the shields, so toilets might not flush anymore,…
Rillak: Tell them each of us is an individual one. We are also one as a whole. Our appearances and experiences differ yet we all seek…
Book: Hiding behind a wall may calm your fears, but it won’t keep you safe. The void will eventually reach you. We all live in the same…
Book: We’ve lost so many, you and me. But we can’t do harm in their names or memories. We have to honor them, all of them, because they…
Burnham: I am not asking for leniency. Rillak: I know, but reasons do matter. It’s the only way justice can ever be just.