Lisa Gets a Surprise  - Still Up
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It’s been eight days after the hen party, and Danny still hasn't spoken to Lisa.

Veggie’s parents have Poppy for the night. They took her Nordic walking. Veggie has a new sleep-inducing tea for Lisa, and he’s recommended a sleep-time yoga video for her.

Veggie is looking for the hobby horse his dad made for Poppy. He doesn't know that Lisa thought it was so creepy she put it in storage. Veggie’s parents send out a family newsletter, The Cutting Veg, and they want a picture of Poppy with the hobby horse to put in it. Lisa offers to look for it so Veggie can go to sleep.

Lisa leaves a note. She lies, writing that she did the yoga and needs to loosen her legs, so she’s going for a walk. She heads to the storage unit where she’s stashed the hobby horse. On the way there, she calls and leaves a message for Danny. She’s worried about him.

At the storage facility, Lisa passes a couple arguing over finding their passports. The man tells her to never get married. Another person is hiding stuff in a storage unit so they can move out on their partner in stages.

The security guard tells Lisa to be on the lookout for a cat. It’s been sneaking into units and destroying people’s stuff, but he can’t catch it. Lisa finds it in her storage unit. She wishes she could take it home as Poppy would love a cat, but Veggie is allergic, so she lets the cat go.

She finds a box full of old mementos, including her old teenage diary. Laughing at what she’d written, she calls Danny and leaves him a voice message about it.

Across town, Danny is awake as Amy sleeps next to him. He gets up and makes tea. He brings it and some cookies into the bedroom for Amy. He thanks her for forgiving him for the accident with her finger. The two have a fun night laughing and competing over movie trivia.

Worried about Danny, Lisa calls Adam to check on him.

Danny and Amy make plans for a date at a restaurant. She knows it’s difficult for Danny, but he wants to try to get out more. As he opens the door to let Amy out, they find Adam on his knees at his door. He has Lisa on his phone, checking on Danny. It’s very awkward, even more so, when David comes out to say that they’ve interrupted his cat’s memorial service.

Amy leaves, and Danny won’t talk to Lisa on the phone.

At the storage unit, the cat comes back to Lisa. This time, she decides to take the cat with her.

Veggie wakes up to find Lisa has left the house. He goes out running and ends up at Danny’s. But it was clearly his destination as he brought a bottle of wine for Danny. He’s looking for Lisa. Danny says she’s not here, but Veggie doesn’t believe him. Veggie asks to use the bathroom so he can search the apartment.

Danny and Veggie share some wine. Then Veggie starts doing pushups to clear his head. Veggie admits that it feels like Lisa is pulling away from him. He doesn’t think her heart is in it anymore.

Danny reminds Veggie that he's a good guy and that he’s the only Veggie there is.

Lisa is bringing the cat to David but telling the cat how amazing Danny is when Veggie leaves Danny and runs into her.


Still Up
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Still Up Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Amy: You were watching me sleep.
Danny: I was standing…yeah. Okay. Sure. I was, but not in like in a creepy way.
Amy: But is there a non-creepy way to watch a woman sleep?

Amy: You’re a weird little dude, aren’t you?
Danny: Well, it has been said.