Take Me to Church - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11
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-Dex throws a party.

-A fellow veteran, Jeremy, hires Dex to find his birth parents after finding out he is adopted.

-Dex finds out the adoption agency was on the reservation. 

-Hoffman and Grey agree on him getting a 13% cut of any bust concerning the carjacking ring. 

-Dex goes to the church behind the former adoption agency and is shut down by them. 

-Dex sneaks into the church after hours.

-Dex is worried that Ansel moving out is karma. 

-Hoffman doesn't trust Grey.

-Dex thinks that Ansel moving out is only temporary.

-Jeremy's birth mother is dead.

-Dex and Ansel's mom is an artist.

-Dex's parents abandoned Ansel while Dex was overseas. 

-Jeremy encourages Dex to get help for her PTSD. 

-Grey is introduced to the carjacking ring, including a pretty girl named Max.

-Hoffman confronts Grey about removing the tracker.

-Jeremy's dad, Tim, can't handle being in Jeremy's life because he feels like he is a screw up.

-Jeremy's mom's cause of death is listed as an overdose and Jeremy was taken because of a report that stated she was an addict and an unfit mother, but Tim says that she was not an addict.

-Dex goes to Sue Lynn for help who tells her that the adoption agency used to target vulnerable women on the reservations.

-Betty, who works at the church, was falsifying reports. Dex records her confession.

-Max brings Grey on his first assignment.

-Hoffman reveals to Grey that he did five years undercover, and he is worried that Grey will get caught up in it and go back to his criminal way. He also tells Grey that by taking the ring down, Max will have enough charges to go away for 30 years. 

-The carjackers accidentally stole a truck full of heroin, and now want Grey's help to move it. 



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Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Grey: Ok, so this is not about him, is it? You're just afraid of being alone.
Dex: What? I did four tours. I think I can handle being alone.

Hoffman: Hey, I've only got like 30 seconds.
Dex: I love our banter.