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Harvey catches up with Mike at Gibbs' office, but it's too late, he's made a deal to plead guilty. 

Harvey refuses to accept it and tries to get it thrown out of court, but when the judge confirms with Mike, she informs him to report to prison in 72 hours to begin his sentence. 

Rachel is upset, but when Harvey tells Mike he would have been found guilty, Rachel sways her thinking and comes round to the idea. She and Mike decide that they want to get married before he goes to prison. 

Her parents have other ideas and don't want them together. The wedding day looms and Harvey tries to find a way to set Mike free, but everything doesn't go to plan. 

Mike shows up at the wedding and when he notices the look on the faces of the guests, he calls the wedding off, before telling Rachel to become a lawyer and they will get married in two years. 

He then sneaks out the back and Harvey takes him to start his sentence. Rachel is left crying at the church. 

Rachel's father and Katrina try to take down Pearson Specter Litt, but Jessica and Louis try to stop it, but by the end of the finale, the company has no staff aside from Louis, Jessica and Harvey.

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