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Riley is talking by phone to Dan, an informant at Ingersoll Pharmaceuticals. Ingersoll is under investigation for producing a drug which is killing soldiers.They arrange to meet the next day at Shenandoah State Park, and Dan gives Riley a laptop. Two gunmen approach them, but the team drives them off with warning shots. Then Dan gets a text showing his daughter Mattie has been abducted. Security-camera footage shows a well-executed abduction. Asha surprises an intruder at her house. The ransom demand is the laptop for Mattie. Exchange is set for a Maryland mall. Police tell Asha there's been a stalker in the neighborhood. There are eight hostiles at the exchange, so Christina aborts it. Bryan shoots one of the hostiles, but Mattie bolts and gets recaptured by the Ingersoll thugs. Bryan takes a cell off the body of the thug he shot. Bryan calls Solinsky, whose brother he shot, and Solinsky now demands Bryan bring the laptop. Bryan lets Asha stay at his place. Bryan takes out the two hostiles sent to retrieve the laptop, then follows the GPS to the destination. Bryan leaves a lit cigarette on the lip of the gas tank, then heads inside. He electrifies the stair rail, then runs water on the ground, electrifying two thugs. Mattie breaks free, then Bryan knocks out the hostile chasing her. The SUV explodes, slowing down Solinsky. Bryan and Mattie go down a trash slide to a dumpster, then Bryan spreads gas on the floor. When Solinsky catches up, Bryan lobs his lighter into the gas, frying Solinsky. Dan and Mattie are reunited. As a result of Christina's testimony and the internal memos on the laptop, Ingersoll officials are arrested. Riley's mother was one of those killed by the drug. Asha makes shepherd's pie for Bryan to say thanks. It turns out Asha's new neighbor is an agent searching for Mejia.


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Taken Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

You'd better believe we're going to do all we can to get your daughter back, and to shut down Ingersoll Pharmaceuticals.

Bryan [to Dan]

Dan: I just want this to be over, Riley.
Riley: Me too, and for no more of our soldiers to die from this drug. Ingersoll Pharmaceuticals has to be stopped, Dan.