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Kreizler and a beaten-up Moore are on the train to Washington, D.C., to check out Nicholas Bunzl's records at St. Elizabeth's. Kreizler asks Moore if he will visit Juliet Pratt, his former fiancee, who lives in Washington. Byrnes' thug The Swede is tailing them. Roosevelt's DC contact, Hobart Weaver, agrees to help Kreizler. Dr. Gilman tells Kreizler that Bunzl died four months earlier. Kreizler and Moore compare notes and come up with a new suspect: Cpl. John Beecham. Kreizler has Moore call Sara, to have her dig up more on a similar massacre in New York. He and Kreizler are heading to Boston, to talk to Adam Dury, The surviving member of that family, and Kreizler wants the Isaacsons to head west, to speak with Beecham's former commander. Sara goes to New Paltz to research the massacre. Capt. Miller tells the Isaacsons about Beecham mutilating a young striker during the Haymarket Riots in Chicago. Sara investigates the site of the Dury massacre. Adam Dury holds a shotgun on Kreizler and Moore. Sheriff Early blames the massacres on Indians, but Eliza, Sara's guide, tells her not to believe him. Adam's younger brother Jacob, who suffered from facial ticks, was molested by a ranch hand, George Beacham, who was later found dead with his throat cut and his eyes removed. The Swede shoots the driver of the carriage in which Kreizler and Moore are riding, then shoots to spook the horses. Their carriage crashes through a guard rail and into the stream. An injured Kreizler admits to Moore that he's in love with Mary. Connor, Doyle and The Swede arrive looking for Kreizler. The Swede chloroforms Stevie and Cyrus. An enraged Mary stabs Connor, then he pushed her over the upstairs railing and she falls and dies. 

The Alienist
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The Alienist Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Sometimes, Laszlo, there are words spoken between people that are to be left private.

Moore [to Kreizler]

What's gotten into [Mary]?

Cyrus [to Stevie]