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Moore tries to draw the killer from Stevie's description, and he and Kreizler end up quarreling. A full-blown riot is taking place at the base of the Statue of Liberty, where the latest killing happened. The victim is Ernst Lohman, also known as Rosie, who worked at the brothel. Rosie has also been scalped, similar to what Roosevelt had seen done by Indians while he ranched in the West. So Kreizler has the Isaacsons and Sara search for mental patients with a connection to the West. Moore and Kreizler are rescued from the mob by Paul Kelly, who asked them to tell Roosevelt to let him reopen his brothel. Connor admits to Byrnes that he killed Van Bergen. Kreizler and Moore go to the Museum of Natural History to learn more about scalping. Kreizler decides the killer has witnessed an Indian massacre in his youth. Cyrus's niece Joanna blames him for Cyrus's injuries. Sara comes up with a suspect, Rudolph Bunzl, whose experiences match what Kreizler seeks. Kreizler apologizes to Cyrus and Stevie for the risks they took, but they say he doesn't have to apologize. Moore gets abducted. He wakes up, and Kreizler is captive in the same wagon. They've been abducted by the Irish cops, for a meeting with J.P. Morgan, Byrnes and Bishop Potter. They want Kreizler to stop his investigation. Morgan sends away Byrnes and Potter. Morgan needs a compliant workforce, and he fears the civil unrest caused by the murders. He offers Kreizler resources, but Kreizler turns him down. Sara discovers that St. Elizabeth's is the asylum for U.S. military members. Kreizler suggests to Mary that she should strike out on her own. A drunk Moore follows Connor into a trap. Kreizler invites Mary to eat with him. They end up kissing.

The Alienist
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The Alienist Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Don't worry, Chief. He won't be found. I took care of it.

Connor [to Byrnes]

Stop it! Stop! We ain't gonna find no one like this.

Stevie [to Moore and Kreizler]