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Kyle is giving a speech at the opening of a youth center. Terence wants Megan to come to the Institute for the introductory workshop.

Kyle is on his movie set. Megan is practicing for the play.

Kyle visits Megan and takes her to lunch. He talks to her about the Institute. He asks her to go to the introductory workshop. Kyle is getting texts from a mystery someone.

Megan is at lunch with her girlfriends talking about him wanting her to go to the institute.

Kyle meets with his sister about their father who apparently isn't dead. Someone is taking pictures. I smell scandal.

Megan is at the introductory workshop while Terence and Deann look at the photos of Kyle meeting with the sister. Apparently Terence sent the photographer to follow Kyle around.

Megan goes to play practice and learns that the director/writer changed what Megan thought he should change.

Deann is meeting with Anika about her screenplay. They make an agreement. She doesn't want Terence to know about the script.

Megan wants Kyle to go with her to a bonfire, but he has work to do. He doesn't really want her to go, but she's going to go anyway.

Kyle is working on the script when the actress shows up and they talk about redemption.

Megan and Nate talk at the party and then he kisses her. She's unnerved and leaves. So both of them had temptation and moved past it. Someone is following her when she leaves.

Megan is at the Institute again. She partners up and finds out her partner is a journalist working on an inside piece about the Institute.

Kyle is meeting with Deann about the scene she's been writing, but she tells him they can't use it. 

Kyle visits his dad in the hospital and gives him a check. 

Kyle is on set. He's too emotional so they redo the scene. Security comes in to take the journalist out. She's upset and blames Megan for spilling the beans, but did she?

Megan did indeed go to Terence about the journalist and as it turns out the woman was working for Terence all along.

At the Institute, they are sharing secrets and it's Megan's turn. Terence is listening. She's telling the story of the woman at the bonfire that she had a son who died. Why is she faking it so much. 

Kyle's father died and Kyle calls Terence to tell him. 

Nate apologizes to Megan for the kissing, but he thinks they have an attraction. She claims last night was a mistake.

Kyle is waiting for her when they leave the theater. 




The Arrangement
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