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Senator Panabaker gets attacked while at a campaign rally. Her security team finds themselves mysteriously disarmed, and one guard is shot. Harlod is present during the attack.

Harlod visits Raymond in New York, who is now living in an abandoned bath house. Through Red, he learns of a group of pickpockets who were used to disarm Panabaker's team. He learns that it was an assassination attempt.

He informs the team and Panabaker of what he's learned. Panabaker hesitates to associate with Redington as he's the only one who can help. Ressler interviews her team to learn how the attack might have happened.

A mysterious man listens in to Panabaker's private conversation. He's the same man from the rally.

Raymond finds a book gift and sends it to Robert, the master thief in prison.

The team lifts a partial print from some evidence they found, and Red helps them find the suspect. They arrest him.

He outsmarts them because he took precautions that would have otherwise had him highly charged.

Against Harlod's advice, Panabaker insists on attending a debate.

The FBI had to let the pickpocket go, but Raymond got to him. He threatens bodily harm if the pickpocket doesn't say who he was working for. He leads them to the mysterious man's place, but they miss him.

The team learns the identity of the mysterious man. His name is Lucas Roth, and he was a former secret service agent. They inform Ressler, who accompanied Panabaker to her debate.

Raymond seeks the services of the four guns.

In prison, Robert suffers some breathing problems while reading a book.

As a fire alarm goes off, Ressler suspects a plan to exclude and kill Panabaker might be in action.

The team learns that Panabaker wasn't the target, but her security guard was. Roth targeted him because he had recorded Panabaker's private conversation.

Robert is rescued from hospital custody by the four guns.

Dembe interrogates Roth, who reveals some things about the agency.

Raymond and Robert reconnect in his jet.

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 3 Quotes

I'll tread softly. I assume braver men have plumed your depths and drowned. The stuff you carry the way your smile never reaches those eyes. Is this humor and darkness? A life lived too long and with little left to lose.


[to Dembe] You're an agent, too, so you know. The job doesn't care how you feel.
