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A guy and his daughter are being terrorized by phone.

Red talks to Vontae and another guy about breaking out.

Red wants Liz to make a reservation for him at a restaurant in Chicago. And gives her a case -- the cryptobanker.

Ressler and Samar talk to Tobias about the threat made to him and his doctor.

Red is at trial and Sima is giving his opening statement to the jury.

Red gives Vontae a list of things he needs to escape.

Red decides to plead guilty to protect the task force.

Aram is helping Tobias' daughter to get rid of the tracking system on her.

The blackmailer threatens all of Tobias' people and patients if he doesn't cooperate.

Red's trial continues.

His guys in prison are getting things ready for him.

Samar and Ressler have leads on the Rat.

The Rat meets with the cryptokeeper and is killed.

Red refuses to let Liz testify and he agrees.

Liz testifies and Red asks her to profile him.

Red wants the case to be over.

The task force learns that Rat was shot.

Red gets ready to get the hell out. He dresses up as the warden to get out.

Red starts walking out of prison. Liz is going inside prison which messes everything up and Red is CAUGHT!

Ressler and Samar and Aram find the crytopbanker.

Aram saves the day with the cryptobanker threat!

Red is sentenced to death by the jury.







The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

Mr. Sima: You want me to lie in court?
Red: Yes. It plays to your strengths.

They're fitting me for a snitch jacket.
