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-Jane and Kat go to see Sutton and try to get her to leave the apartment.

-Jane plans to reject Scott.

-Sutton goes back to work.

-Jane’s discrimination story was very successful.

-Andrew is getting his own solo show as Jacqueline Carmichael.

-Video of Andrew and the guy in the bar hit the internet and people are viewing Alex poorly for doing nothing.

-A woman comes forward about another publication, States and Nations, in which one of the editors is abusing their power and Managing Editor is covering it up.

-Sutton decides to go home to see Babs.

-Jane goes to Jacqueline about the article because Ian works for States and Nations and she gives the ok to do the article and offers to get Ian to talk to her.

-The Bell is getting blowback from having Eva as the first guest and giving her a platform to express her conservative Republican views so they set up an interview with a member of the DNC to course correct.

-Ian dated the Managing Editor from States and Nations while he and Jacqueline were on their break. Ian doesn’t think she should run the story because it will look like Jacqueline is targeting her.

-Sutton runs into Billy while looking for Babs.

-Kat trash talks Eva during her next podcast.

-Billy and Sutton pull a con job together.

-Jacqueline shuts down Jane’s story.

-A site runs an article about the death of masculinity using Alex as an example.

-Eva defended Kat during an interview.

-Sutton sleeps with Billy and they get caught by his wife who compares her to Babs.

-Sutton finds alcohol in Babs’ fridge.

-Kat comes clean to Eva about what she did and Eva is ok with it.

-Jane realizes something is going on with Eva and Kat and is worried about her.

-After realizing Jacqueline killed the story for personal reasons Jane confronts her.

-Jacqueline agrees to let Jane run the story.

-Kat sleeps with Eva.

-Sutton doesn’t tell Jane and Kat what happened when she went home.


The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 4 Episode 16 Quotes

Three years ago Richard couldn’t stop telling me how much he loved me, now he’s just gone. I don’t even know who I am without him.


Jacqueline: I want you to know that as I spend more time with Ian and focus on my personal life, I will be looking to you to step up. I am not the future of Scarlet, Jane, you are. Now, go get that other story.
Jane: Thank you, Jacqueline.