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Jane and Scott plan to go to HR to make their relationship official, but things are halted when Jane learns Addison gave her a bad review.

Jane makes it her mission to change Addison's opinion and overcorrects.

Jane then apologizes to Addison and learns Addison has a job offer at another publication.

Jane vows to become a better boss/mentor for Addison, which means putting her relationship with Scott on hold.

Scott then decides to quit.

Kat and Adena work together to photograph Zuri and several other ex-felons and highlight their struggles since getting released form prison.

They want to put the portraits at the Belle, but upon learning they request is rejected, Kat wants to proceed anyway.

Adena is more cautious, and Kat believes Adena's dating someone who's a bad influence.

Kat goes over to Adena's place to apologize and meets her mother Chamseh.

Chamseh doesn't believe it's worth it to risk everything for a cause, but Adena disagrees.

She and Kat then come up with a way to showcase her photos without breaking the law.

Sutton is upset that everyone is treating her with kid gloves upon learning she and Richard are getting divorced.

She holds a divorce party at a bowling alley.

The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Sutton: Whoa, this is a huge closet.
Kat: Yeah, so we’re gonna clear it out and make it your bedroom.
Sutton: What? That’s very nice, but I think you should have walls and doors.
Kat: Come on Sutton. I spent most of my life in the closet. I’m good. I think you should take the doors and walls.

Sutton: I just think they deserve to know I’m happily moving forward.
Jane: Well, it’s OK if you’re not happy.
Kat: You’re allowed to feel whatever you need to feel: angry, sad, hurt.
Sutton: Yeah, I don’t want to feel any of those things.
Kat: Fair enough.