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Patricia Campbell talks about going after Jarif, the guy who was behind the truck bombing on the beach on the first episode of the season. While she's talking the team move into position, each entering Iran as a different person.

The team meets up in a safehouse and hook up with Patricia in DC.

It's a high-risk mission and if anyone gets caught, the American government won't recognize anyone on the team.

Each member has a specific task on this mission. The safehouse guy is part of the mission. 

They are also on a timetable. They have to complete the mission within 187 minutes because that's when their pickup will arrive. Their task is to kill Jarif.

Their plan to kill Jarif at the tea restaurant doesn't go as planned because Jarif leaves the restaurant. Jaz and Preach run to another location where she can kill him before he gets in the car. Jaz gets off a shot, but it misses.

Campbell wants them to abort mission, but the team won't quit. Amir recognizes someone who comes into the restaurant and he and the safehouse guy, Hussein,  follow.

She recognizes something is not right and takes off. Dalton chases after her. Before Dalton can get to her she takes a suicide cap.

The team regroups and comes up with a different plan. Jaz is going to go in as the woman to feed Jarif poison. Dalton takes Jaz aside to talk with her about the mission.Jaz decides to go in.

Jaz gets to Jarif's suite and is taken inside. She has a conversation with Jarif and gets the poison into the tea and serves him.

A call comes in and it's the girl's brother. Jarif knows something is wrong and Jaz has to fight him She snaps his neck and prevents a vase from falling over. She improvised. 

Jaz went on the elevator instead of the stairs like Dalton advised.  Before Jaz has a chance to exit out the window like she planned, one Jafir's guards grabs her.. Patricia is not happy. Everyone else is shocked.


The Brave
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