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Marine Lance Cpl. Gary Van Horn is sued in civil court for assaulting a civilian pretending to be a Marine. He wants Maya to defend him. She pawns him off on a lesser member of her department. Rami is studying for his citizenship exam. Col. Turnbull isn't able to find out if her son Adam was being held at the site of the recent bomb strike. Abe is getting too close to Jason's family, especially his widow Alex. The civilian Van Horn assaulted died from a blood clot and he's charged with murder. Harper finds a pattern of violent confrontations on fakemarine.com. Rami decides to help a Korean woman whose Army husband is getting the runaround concerning citizenship. Trey and Harper find proof that the web site is promoting violence. Glenn gets a garbled call from Adam. He is being held in caves in Pakistan, and a rescue can't be mounted without better maps of the area. Rami narrows down the possible web-site administrators to two. The office throws a party for Rami, but he refused to take the test because of how other military volunteers such as himself were being treated. Everyone urges Rami to speak out in protest. Harper and Maya locate the administrator, William Albrecht. In a plea deal, Van Horn agrees to testify against Albrecht. Glenn confronts and threatens the CEO of the mining company that owns the maps of the caves. The case against Albrecht is dismissed. The mining company delivers the maps. A rescue mission is undertaken. The whole team convinces Albrecht to plead guilty so that all of his clients won't be charged instead under an obscure regulation. Rami gets transferred for his protest. Adam is rescued. Abe admits to Alex that he likes being part of a family, then follows her upstairs.


The Code
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The Code Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

I have to attend to matters that matter.


Maya: Do you make money from shame?
Van Horn: I'm saving up for a Ninja.