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After being interrogated by the detective and Troy being interviewed and given a different story, Callie is arrested for fleeing an accident. Her past issues with law are being used against her. Detective Grey shows up to urge the other detective to press charges against Callie, and tells the detective not to contact Stef.

Brandon tries to look after the others while moms stay out the hospital. Mariana and Jude bicker and Brandon calls Jude out on his behavior. He tells Jude that he misses who he was before. 

Mariana meets up with Mat. She confesses her feelings to him and they end up sleeping together.

Mariana and Emma make up after Mariana finds out that Callie is in juvie because she got in a car looking for her. Mariana is blaming herself for everything. Emma gets a pregnancy test for Mariana and Brandon finds out but doesn't say anything.

Callie is sent to a rough juvenile facility and finds out that she might be charged as an adult.

Lena meets a nice woman who gives her advice and supports her while she's waiting for Jesus. She finds out later that the woman must have been an angel.

Jesus has a dream sequence where he blames himself for not protecting Mariana. He wakes up but he can't speak properly.

The Fosters
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The Fosters Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Brandon: Are you still stoned?
Jude: No.
Mariana: Again?
Jude: At least I'm not popping pills.

I know the mother. She's not a team player.

Detective Grey