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Callie is with Troy in the car when Aaron calls about the DNA test results. DNA reveals that someone related to the victim was in possession of the murder weapon. She naturally assumes that Troy is responsible and now she's in the car with him. She tries to play it off like someone called saying they found Mariana, but Troy flips out on her. He won't let Callie out of the car and she takes control of the wheel, they end up in an accident.

She flees the scene of the accident trying to get away from Troy and hides. Troy finally notices that others are hurt and he leaves the scene altogether. When Aaron calls Callie back, she tells him where she is and he concerns to get her. He tells her to tell the police about the accident but she calls her mothers and finds out about Jesus.

At the hospital, Callie tries to find out about the other victims of the crash. while there, Brandon tells her about the SAT incident, and AJ shows up to apoligize. Aaron shows up too. AJ Apologizes to Aaron and says he didn't know that Aaron was Trans. Aaron has a word with Callie and reads her the riot act for outing him to AJ. 

Callie decides to go to the police to tell them about the accident, but doesn't know that Detective Grey is there and he's ready to make Callie pay as payback to Stef. 

Jesus is joking and fine on the way to the hospital with stef but ends up having a seizure. He has brain swelling and it's touch and go for a while. Plus, he's at risk of being in trouble for assaulting Nick. 

Lena heads to the chapel to pray for Jesus. Stef comforts her. Jesus has to be put into a coma. 

Brandon and Cortney offiicially break up. Brandon is tasked with finding Jude who is off on a boat somewhere getting high with Noah and almost having sex. 

Mariana feels guilty about Jesus and Emma finds out about the pills. So does moms. Emma is shown getting a pregnancy test from the drugstore. Brandon assumes it's for Mariana.

The Fosters
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The Fosters Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

Brandon: I think I got in a little over my head here.
Cortney: I know.

I'm not going anywhere, so please do not ask me again!
