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Lim moves around in a wheelchair, She get sin her car and puts her wheelchair away, not allowing a guy in the parking lot to help.

Glassman takes some pills and throws his clothes in the hamper. Then his back goes out.

Shaun is bothered by Park using a pencil sharpener. Lea comes with gifts to congratulate them for becoming attendings. They are talking devices, something like a magic eight ball.

Park gets a text that Lim is in the parking lot.

Lim wheels herself in. The whole staff is there to clap for her. It's apparently 14.5 weeks later. Jordan is busy insisting to Asher that Shaun caused the paralysis  by not listening to Glassman's idea about surgery. Lim thanks everyone, especially Shaun, who saved her life.

Everyone meets the new residents. Shaun is sure there is going to be no difference between an attending and a senior resident. There is a fight over who gets to take the residents.

There is a patient who is having trouble breathing. His house was also a mess and he claims the EMTs had no right to come inside. He doesn't like people meddling in his business.

Shaun's patient's wife doesn't want a first year on her first day assisting with her husband's transplant. Her husband says it's fine.

Lim wants to lead on a surgery. Andrews doesn't think she's ready. She says she can be chief surgeon despite her paralysis and she doesn't want to sue under the ADA. Andrews insists on being in the OR with her.

Shaun's surgery starts. The resident checks the heart. Asher is nervous when Shaun asks him to do the most difficult part. The new resident, Powell, discovers a problem with the donor heart -- a damaged valve. Shaun decides they can't go ahead with the transplant.

Shaun explains and the wife wants to be consulted because she's a surgeon. She's insulted. Powell steps in.

The patient tells Jordan and Perez he's not a hoarder or a hermit. He likes ordering things online instead of going out. He wants them to mind their own business and do the test.

Lim admits to Nurse Vilanova that she feels slow and awkward in this thing. Nurse V is having nightmares.

Shaun interrupts Powell and Asher to say that the patient is bleeding and he shouldn't have aborted to transplant. Asher suggests a pig heart. Powell finds it immoral to use pig hearts. She won't do it. Shaun says she has no choice. Powell says fire me if you want to. I won't participate in this.

Lim needs a strap loosened so she can lean forward. She is sweaty and breathing hard.  She seems nervous and hesitant but won't allow Andrews to help. She's having troble navigating with her harness. She says she should be able to do this in her sleep but can't do it and Andrews has to take over.

Morgan and Park disagree about what tests to run. He's Morgan's patient but Park is the attending. Perez suggests they do both.

Lim says she's not giving up. Andrews wasn't suggesting that. Lim is impatient. She thinks Andrews should be mad at her for risking the patient's life.

Shaun goes to Andrews about Powell but Andrews says Shaun is an attending and has to make tough decisions on his own.

Glassman walks in on Lim's physical therapy session. The physical therapist says his shoulders are too slumped and she sees that a lot in older clients. The therapist goes to get something. Glassman and Lim talk. Glassman suggests she work from her wheelchair and lower the patient to her eye level even though that would make it harder for everyone else.

Shaun goes to talk to Lea and Glassman. Glassman says Shaun is also defiant. Shaun says that it different because he was right in Lim's case. Glassman blames Shaun for Lim's paralysis. Shaun decides to listen to Lea and fire Powell.

Oddly, Asher is for the pig surgery. He doesn't understand how she could have fought in Afghanistan but be against this. Shaun wants to talk to Powell but the pig heart is here.

During the neck surgery, Jordan and Perez talk. She wants the patient to stop hoarding electronics. Perez says he saved his grandma's sweaters. organ walks in on ordan calling PErez handsome and tells them to stop flirting.

Lim will not fit under the table in her wheelchair. Nurse V is sure they can figure it out. Lim thinks this isn't happening.

The pig is brought in live to have the heart removed.

Some pediatric patients want to see the pig. Shaun lets them pet him. The kids are upset that the pig is going to die.

Lim is wheeling by. Shaun tells her he is firing Powell. Lim says it is not Shaun's job to weed out bad residents. She sees the pig and says she has to go. It gives her an idea. Use a morgue table.

Shaun tells Powell that her beliefs are wrong and she could be fired but he wants her to watch the surgery anyway so she can learn.

Lots of blood on the tumor surface in the other surgery. Perez thinks it's coming from an artery

Lim participates in surgery, successfully this time, while sitting in her wheelchair.

Powell observes the xenotransplant. Asher thinks Shaun should say something but he doesn't see why. Shaun finds it harder to do this than he thought but says he is the attending so he will do it. Jerome stops them and says a human heart is available.

The surgery was a success. Hall says that her husband will be fine thanks to Dr. Murphy. Shaun says it was a team effort except for Powell.

The other patient wonders why there is a pig here. Perez explains and introduces him to the pig. The patient asks what will happen to him. The pig will have to be euthanized as he can't be around other pigs now. The patient pets him.

Perez tells Jordan that the patient adopted the pig. He is impressed with Jordan. She apologizes for judging Perez and asks him out for a drink. He says he's going to go home and do yoga before bed. Asher shows up and teases her. She wants to go out for drinks with Asher.

The physical therapist is working with Glassman when Lim shows up. She feels like a racehorse relegated to the carousel. Glassman says he never got back to being the surgeon he was. Lim will not be who she used to be but will be great.

Andrews calls Morgan and Park in and tells them to stop fighting.

Lim can't get her wheelchair in her car. She hates being paralyzed and hates Shaun.




The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Patient: You know, this is why I don't like hospitals. Too much meddling in things that are none of your damn business.
Morgan: You may need surgery to remove that mass from your neck. Is that okay?
Patient: What the hell do you think I'm here for?

Jordan: That is so awkward between her and Dr. Murphy.
Asher: Everyone and Murphy is awkward.
Jordan: But Murphy caused her paralysis,
Asher: Murphy saved her life.