Grieiving a Loss - The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 6
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We open with Asher's funeral.Lea asks Shaun if he's okay. He gives her a non-sequiter about how he is going to HR about Charlie. Lea is worried about grief hitting him too hard and wants him to tell her if it does.

Jordan gets up and is crying as she makes a eulogy. She talks about how she was a devout Christian and he was an Orthodox Jew turned atheist, but he was her best friend.

Lim has overslept and has missed the funeral. She tells her mother she's sick. Her mother says that she should see a therapist. She wants to talk about Lim's father. Lim gets a text and says she has to go.

Jordan says Asher fought for his patients and stood up for his beliefs even if it cost him his family or got him in trouble. He always did what he thought was right and now he's gone. because of ignorant, hateful monsters. It's not fair that they get to live and he's dead. Shaun's phone buzzes. So does everyone else's. Everyone has to leave.

Nurse Villanova says a guy purposely drove his car into a festival. There are mass injuries to be dealt with. Half the staff is away at a conference. Lim says to put Shaun in charge.

Shaun tells Charlie to work with "black tags," patients who are already dead who need their deaths confirmed. Charlie feels she's being punished for her complaint. Shaun says not working with her is a bonus. Glassman warns him this isn't the way to help himself with this.

Shaun and Jordan work on a patient who has terminal injuries. Shaun insists the guy is a black tag. Jordan disagrees but he insists she move on. A pregnant woman appears to be dying also but Shaun thinks he can save the baby.

Dom doesn't know where to begin. Morgan tells him to start with the patients on one side of the room and work his way over. The first patient he sees is full of blood.

The baby is born and looks good. A doctor tells Shaun to give the mom a black tag but he th inks he can save her.

A patient codes in front of Jordan.

Lim also operates on a patient. Cerebral pressure spiking, they have to remove half his skull.

Shaun saves the mom but four more red tags (emergency patients) have arrived.

Lim's patient has died and she has to tell the wife. Shaun needs Lim to take another patient to the OR.

Dom relocates an ankle.His next patient has a gory eye injury.

Shaun tells Jared to amputate a leg even though Jared thinks he can save it. Shaun recalls working with Asher in this room but doesn't want to talk about it.

Lea has to go home to the baby and invites JErome to come with her but Jerome wants to sit here longer. Lea says call me anytime. She hugs him.

The driver who caused all this is in pain. Jordan refuses his mother's request for extra pain meds. Jared tells the mother the meds will kick in soon.

Charlie is taking a long time with the black tags. One patient is still alive. When they bring him to the OR Shaun and Charlie argue about who saved him and whether Charlie listens enough. Glassman says it doesn't matter who saved him and sends Charlie to get a cardiac monitor. He tells Shaun to stop arguing with Charlie. Shaun tells Glassman to take Charlie for the rest of the day.

Dom doesn't think he can do this. Morgan says quit tomorrow.

The rabbi tells Jerome that Asher was happy that Jerome was going to propose. He also says they asked him to tell him they need the room. Jerome says his apartment is too empty. Asher's family took the body back to New York so there's no grave to visit. The rabbi suggests Jerome go to the library and get lost in a book.

Jordan and Jared discuss Riley. She has no sympathy for him. Jared says he is not the man who killed Asher. Jordan says that these monsters need to be treated the way they treat others. If they feel pain maybe they'll change.

Lim gets into it with an impatient guy.

Charlie works with Glassman who tells her she's doing great. But she says Shaun doesn't think so. She's worried she won't get into a surgical residency because of Shaun. Shaun interrupts to say Glassman has to do a liver laceration. Glassman is worried he might kill the patient.  There is no one else so he goes.

Riley's mother begs Jordan for help. She says she tried everything for her son and nothing works. She hates what he did too.

Charlie interrupts to ask about her patient. Glassman says she has a good idea  but run it past Dr. Paxton.

Lim freezes because her patient looks to her like Asher.

Dom works with a guy who has a panic attack and rejects meditation. He starts having a nosebleed.

Shaun forgets himself and says to a nurse to get Asher.

Charlie and VIllanova both bother Shaun and he starts melting down. The nurse thinks Park should take over. Charlie says wait. She starts talking Shaun through it. Shaun starts visualizing a map in his head and snaps into action, giving orders. He tells Charlie to come with him.

Shaun says he has to operate here even though it's not sterile. It's the only way to save the patient. He wants Charlie to hate him.

Dom's patient keeps bleeding. Dom goes looking for help but no one is around and he has to do this himself even though he is NOT A DOCTOR.

The patient's aneurysm has ruptured. Shaun tells Charlie to put her finer in to plug it.

LIm continues having flashbacks of Asher as her patient codes.The patient dies. Lim is overcome with grief.

Morgan and another doctor burst in to Dom's room where he is treating his now unconscious patient.

Charlie asks if she can help. Shaun says do exactly what I tell you exactly when I tell you.Shaun actually says "very good" as she carries out his instructions.

Lim is exhausted and upset. Her mother comes in with homemade cookies. Lim asks her what she was going to say earlier. Lim's mother says her father had clinical depression and was in the hospital a few times when he was "traveling."  He didn't want Lim to know because she idolized him. Lim's mother says she finds joy in small connections. She had to tell her because she was worried about her.

Jordan gives Riley pain meds after all.

Charlie takes two little kids to see their dad (her patient). Shawn admits that he might be wrong about Charlie.

Lim tells Shaun he did a great job. She finally sees the impatient guy who apologizes for earlier. His wife is at home and has MS so he has to lift her. They talk as LIm checks his arm.

Jerome can't bring himself to empty Asher's locker. He and Jordan sit together. Jordan says she'll help Jerome.

Morgan tells Dom to go home. Dom says he did everything wrong and she was right that he should quit. She tells him to stop being an idiot. He saved a man's life using Macgyver MEdicine.

Glassman says he knows it's time to quit. Charlie tells him she's withdrawing her complaint.

Lim's mother is leaving town tomorrow. She tells Glassman it's been a memorable trip.

Jerome comes in with a box of stuff they might want of Asher's. A mug for Park, a brochure about a technique for Shaun, who already knows about it. He admits he will miss Asher, who was a good friend.

Jordan apologizes about making her eulogy about her anger instead of about Asher.


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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 6 Quotes

Park: Springfest was ilke six blocks away from us. You were gonna take Eden.
Morgan: I know it's horrible, but these things don't happen often.
Park: Do they? Look at Asher.

Asher was one of the most courageous people I knew. He had the courage to leave everyone he loved behind to be who he really was.
