Liz, Diane, David Lee long - The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 9
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Cops start bringing arrestees to Wackner's court for alternative processing, including two drug dealers who work for Oscar Rivi.

Marissa believes Cook County should handle these cases, but Wackner feels his court is equipped.

Meanwhile, Oscar Rivi is in negotiations with Plum Meadow Farms to strike a new business venture, but blames Plum Meadow when three of his corner boys go missing.

Carmen is able to get Wackner to release the two boys, but the third is still missing, leading Oscar to attack Wackner.

Marissa and Jay search for the third boy and discover a woman named Vinetta is holding court in her house and keeping the third boy locked in a cage in her basement.

David Lee is unimpressed with Allegra and wants Diane and Liz to replace her.

They refuse, and David Lee later tells them STR Laurie won't be giving them anymore money, and they need to find the money for Allegra's salary elsewhere.

Allegra wants STR Laurie to invest more money in the firm and crashes the Zoom call with the firm's Dubai overlords.

Diane and Liz are on board to fire Allegra, but she convinces David Lee of her value, and David Lee, in turn, pressures STR Laurie to give them more money.

The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

David Lee: So, first…
Allegra: I should warn you that I'm bad at interviewing. Also, I took some cough syrup this morning, so I'm a bit more intuitive than usual.
David Lee: You haven't worked in a law firm in 10 years, Ms. Jurado. Why come back now?
Allegra: It’s an interesting time.
David Lee: Why is that?
Allegra: After all fire all that's left are the foundations. It's a good time to rebuild.
David Lee: And how would you rebuild?
Allegra: Recently, I've become obsessed with space law.
David Lee: Sorry.
Allegra: Space law, mineral rights on the moon, real estate law on Mars.
David Lee: Well, it was nice to meet you.
Allegra: No it wasn't, but our second meeting will go better. I grow on people.
David Lee: Good to know. Ms. Jurado, what do you Liz and Diane see in you?
Allegra: They think I'll be a figurehead here, someone they can manipulate into agreeing with them.
David Lee: They both think that?
Allegra: Yes.
David Lee: And why do they both think that?
Allegra: Because I encouraged them to. I noticed in a partisan world, the person in the middle controls the agenda. Look at Joe Manchin. His wife didn't even know he existed last year, and now he controls America.

Wackner: What’s wrong?
Marissa: Is that real?
Wackner: I don’t understand. The case?
Marissa: Yeah, did Del send them in to add drama?
Wackner: What, no.
Marissa: Well that's a serious case. That's for real court, not us.
Wackner: We're real court.
Marissa: Not for issues like that.
Wackner: You don’t know that.
Marissa: This is crossing a line.