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Michael and Janet arrive back on Earth. The judge calls them to yell, but they refuse to go back until they save the souls of their friends. 

Michael and Janet monitor everyone's progress through hidden cameras. Michael writes a fake email to Chidi explaining that Trevor has withdrawn from the study. 

Eleanor is out of money and needs to find a part-time job. Janet and Michael buy her a winning scratch-off lottery ticket.

Tahani is interested in Jason and agrees to watch the game with him. Worried that a causal relationship between them will tear the group apart, Michael and Janet decide to sabotage them. 

Tahani starts back up a relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Larry Hemsworth, and the two get engaged and plan to move. The gang attends her engagement party where Eleanor asks the group to stay together in order to continue the study.

The gang politely rejects her suggestion and Eleanor storms out of Tahani's mansion. 

Simmone makes Eleanor realize that The Brainy Bunch is the first group of people she's ever cared about, which is why she's taking things so hard. 

Michael decides that he and Janet need to break into the judge's chambers and reboot everything since the gang landed back on Earth. 

Eleanor and the rest of their friends catch them summoning a portal to the afterlife.

The Good Place
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The Good Place Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Oh no, not a great start. Eleanor farted and then she blamed it on her chair. That's gonna cost her at least a few points.


I'm really good at telemarketing. I can usually guess how long to microwave food without looking at the box. I'd say those are my two main skills.
