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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (15 Votes)
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Dean is using an episode of The Grinder to teach Ethan the difference between good lies and bad lies. Stewart tells Ethan there are no good lies. 

Stewart and Deb are upset that one of their kids deleted Ray Donovan from the DVR and is lying about it. Stewart and Dean were once in the same position over a broken window. Stewart grounds both kids until one of them confesses. 

Dean believes a rival firm planted Claire as a mole inside their firm. 

Todd is at a bar and finds out from the bartender that there are lawyers who buy him drinks to get him drunk and leak information. He tells Dean that Claire is clean. Dean tells Todd not to tell Stewart. 

Grandpa Dean tells Ethan and Lizzie that they're being more stubborn than their dad ever was. Ethan says maybe Stewart really didn't break the window. 

Claire makes a breakthrough in the case and Stewart wants Dean to admit he was wrong. 

Stewart finds out that the lawyers from the other firm took advantage of Todd. Stewart confronts Todd and finds out Dean knew. Stewart is determined to make Dean admit he was wrong. 

Ethan uses acting to guilt Lizzie into admitting she deleted Ray Donovan. Stewart thinks he can use it against Dean, but it doesn't work. 

Dean finally admits that he broke the window. 





The Grinder
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The Grinder Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Stewart: Can we please not use episodes of The Grinder to teach life lessons to my kids?
Dean: I'm sorry, would you rather him learn it on the streets?
Stewart: I think there are more than those two options for him, but if you're making me choose now, I would say, the streets. The streets by a mile.

Nice try big fella, but after what the DVR did to the traditional ratings model I don't touch the damn things.
