Pulling the Trigger - The Lazarus Project
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A car is tailing the truck carrying the nuclear device Big Boy, with George and Rudy in the truck's cab. George tells Rudy the Lazarus Project took down the rest of Lost Glory. Four rough-looking men are in the tailing car. A flashback 24 hours reveals that Rudy is part of that group, who killed the original caretaker. Rudy's role is to get the detonator from the Lost Glory representative. George attempts to explain his motivation for blowing up the bomb to Rudy. George spots the tail just as the truck breaks down. George realizes Rudy is in on the trap and jumps him. George opens fire on the tail car, hitting three of four. Then Rudy shoots him. Another car happens on the scene, serving as a distraction, and George shoots the final two. George can't get the truck started. So he arms the bomb and drives away. George sets it off. The detonation is noticed back at Lazarus headquarters. Archie makes arrangements for George to get back, with a rock group on a private plane. The band's drugs allows George to self-medicate. Wes says the body count was low because of where Big Boy detonated. George returns to Lazarus. Wes and Archie interrogate him. He puts all the blame on Shiv. Wes is suspicious of George's story. George realizes his plan may have failed because of the low body count. Wes takes George on a drive. They go to visit Russian Ambassador Belov. She's attempting to gauge Russia's reaction to the detonation. Wes determines there won't be any retaliation nor any need for a time reset. George anonymously calls Belov to have her people pick up Shiv's body, to implicate the British. Then he visits Belov. He guns down her and her security. Wes is forced to reset. 

The Lazarus Project
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The Lazarus Project Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Rudy: Are you sure it's going to work?
George: Do you want me to test it out now?
Rudy: No.

Rudy: Who keeps calling you?
George: Work.
Rudy: You have a job?
George: Yeah, it's, like, part-time. It's more like a side hustle.