Body Switch - The Librarians
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A young man has taken over Jenkins' body, and the Librarians don't seem to notice the change. Then Jenkins wakes up in someone's basement. His soul has switched places with a slacker named Jeff, which Jenkins figures out by looking at a mirror. Jeff's mom interrupts his reverie and sends him upstairs to care for a roomful of cats. Jeff's van won't start, but Jeff's coworkers at Circuit Town offer Jenkins a ride. Jenkins can't get back into the Library because Jeff's fingerprints and voice aren't recognized by the alarm system. Jenkins tries to write a message on a cardboard sign, but Jeff throws liquid at the mirror to short it out. Jenkins discovers that Jeff's father died of cancer. He finds Jeff's coworkers/Dungeons and Dragons team in the basement. They're using the Librarians as D&D characters, because Jeff is a believer in the Librarians. The Librarians are getting suspicious of Jeff's behavior. Likewise, Jeff's friends think Jenkins is acting strangely. Jeff had found and bought the Asmodeus Grimoire on line. Jenkins recruits Jeff's friends to help him break into the Library. Jenkins explains what happened and they believe him. First Jenkins trains them, then they work their way through the traps in the underground chambers. Upstairs Eve and the Librarians confront Jeff. Hoof-prints from the grimoire lead them to Asmodeus. As Jenkins and Jeff's friends survive the chambers, he christens them honorary knights. Jenkins finds the Librarians trapped in webbing. Jeff gave the gemstone necessary to defeat Asmodeus to his mom. Jeff and Jenkins transport to Jeff's house, where they find Asmodeus terrorizing his mom. Jeff distracts Asmodeus, then Jenkins slays the creature. They switched back to their own bodies when they came through the Magic Door. Jenkins goes back to play D&D with Jeff and his friends.

The Librarians
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The Librarians Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Jenkins: Take me to St. John's Bridge.
Schmidt: Why? You thinking of jumping off?
Jenkins: That's not a bad idea right now.

I don't think this is right.
