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Margo and Eliot have decided to move full steam ahead with their plans to use the Fairy Queen’s eggs as bargaining chips, leaving them at Brakebills with a fellow student to watch over them. Upon the High King and High Queen’s return to Fillory, they hatch their extortion plan, manipulating the Fairy Queen into a deal that would unearth the fairies presence to all of Fillory. Unfortunately, their plan is foiled by none-other than Fray, who reveals where the eggs are. The Fairy Queen gives the High King and his wife an ultimatum: return the eggs or their daughter dies. Fray's overconfidence gets the best of her, forcing the Fair Queen to reveal how little she thinks of the human girl. Emotionally rejected, Fray reveals that she is not the daughter of Eliot and Fen. This upper hand had by Fillory’s royalty doesn’t last very long, however, when the Fairy Queen finishes out her deal just before she drops Margo and Eliot into a firey mob of Fillorians.

Meanwhile, Penny and Kady attempt a reunion (and a break out) after Quentin and Poppy reveal that a Library creature and a friend of Kady’s can help them—or rather Penny—get to the Underworld to retrieve the lost key. Once they get Kady out of the hospital using disguises and a fire alarm, she goes to Harriet for help. But Kady hasn’t repaid her last debt, and so to make the score even, she must meet a dangerous demand: robbing The Library. Meanwhile, Alice was saved upon the return of Eliot, Margo, Quentin, and Poppy, but now she must face the reality that she could lose magic again after Fogg reveals she has to give it back. Julia, on the other hand, must come to terms with her responsibility for it. As Alice goes to dire measures—including getting bit by a magical creature—to preserve her recently acquired powers, Julia digs deep within herself to find ways to protect Alice before she nearly kills them both.

The Magicians
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The Magicians Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Penny: So you lost the key in the Underworld and now want me to somehow go down there and get it.
Quentin: Well, you’re my only friend who is technically dead so--
Penny: For the millionth time, dumbass, I’m not dead. I’m an astral projection.
Quentin: No offense, but your corpse is ash, so I think you may be in a little bit of denial. I mean, look, weren’t you supposed to report to the Underworld branch of The Library anyway?
Penny: Yeah, and I burned my body to avoid that.
Quentin: Look, if we do not get to the Underworld before Benedict moves on--whatever that means--than we will have no idea where the key goes.
Penny: Not my problem.
Quentin: No magic is everyone’s problem. Do you think that I like begging for help, especially to you? I wouldn’t even do it except I know that you occasionally stop being a dick when the fate of the world is at stake.
Penny: Fine. I’ll help.

Poppy: Anyways, do you think your ghost friend is going to be able to help us?
Quentin: There is no us. I’m going to go talk to Penny alone, and you’re going to go back to whatever life you were willing to backstab me for.
Poppy: Okay, I’m kinda sensing some hostility here.
Eliot: Q!
Quentin: Oh good. Hey, I don’t know if it was just a super anxious rabbit, but your message made things seem kinda--
Eliot: Dire? They are.
Poppy: Are those supplies?
Margo: Hostages. Who the fuck are you?
Poppy: I’m Poppy. I’m helping Quentin find the next key.
Quentin: No, she’s not helping me. We’re--
Eliot: Okay, can we hit pause on the recap until we’re back where our pasty usurpers won’t kill us?