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On The Mysteries of Laura Season 2 Episode 8, Laura and the team are surprised to learn there is someone out there who is revealing the identities of undercover police officers after one is murdered. The team does some digging and finds out the culprit is actually a hacker who has found his way into the police computers and is playing a dangerous game.

Back at the station, while trying to do some investigating, the hacker finds his way into the computers and threatens the team to stay away or else they are next. Of course they continue to do some digging, but Max helps out by finding them the perfect spot to go where it will be safe to do some investigating without the hacker knowing what they are doing. 

When Meredith and Billy do some digging into where the hacker last seen, they find out he is into supernatural type shows and they are able to use the various nicknames he used to track him down. They find out the hacker is actually an internet troll who's purposely mean to others on the internet and when they make him made, he digs up dirt on them and releases them online. Laura and Jake find a picture of the hacker and are able to track him down to the college he goes to.

In the end, the man turns out to be an everyday college student who was made when the cop who was killed tracked him down after the hacker made rude comments about the cops sister. He tried to stand behind freedom of speech, but Jake reminded him that it doesn't excuse him from basically putting a gun in the hand of someone else and getting someone killed. 

Don't feel bad if you missed out! You can watch The Mysteries of Laura online via TV Fanatic and catch up on all the episodes you missed. 

The Mysteries of Laura
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