The Defense - The Night Of
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Chandra is an excellent attorney, and cross examines one of the DA's witnesses to "avoid him having to come back" like he did with another case when his evidence was overturned.

Naz's mother walks out in the middle of testimony. She thinks he did it.

The partner's of Naz's father want to stiff him, forcing him to sell out of their business for $75k when it's worth $250k.

The entire community is against them, writing Muslims go home with Nazi symbols and stories about Pakistani cab drivers in the papers.

A kid Naz sold drugs Adderall to takes the stand and Naz makes strange faces at him, once smiling and then shaking his head with a smirk.

Stone continues following Andrea's dad. Dad's money manager says the dude's credit cards are maxed out. He has married many wealthy women.

Stone goes to see his son to show him his shoes and tell him he's getting a cat. He's being followed.

Chandra is not pleased to learn Naz withheld something from them. He put two people into the hospital after 9/11 and showed no remorse.

Naz is getting more heroin in visitation.

Naz's parents are selling all of their things to pay for the case.

Andrea's dad threatens Stone at the gym.

Naz calls his mom, but she doesn't answer.

Box takes the stand.

Nazir's mother stops coming to court.

The cat sneaks out to sleep with Stone. He goes to the Chinese medicine doctor the next day. He hopes he might have something for his asthma. He doesn't want to get rid of his cat.

Chandra and Nazir have feelings for each other. So much so that they kiss while talking about her believing in him. So bizarre.

Nazir has two memories after the kiss. Or perhaps they're thoughts. One is of Andrea on the bed after she was murdered bathed in red light and another after he turns on a light.

Next witness is the guy, Dr. Katz, Stone and Chandra had in the house. He talks about the front door which didn't close, the scalability of the wall and the knife game, complete with skin cells in the coffee table.

Mrs. Weiss cross examines Katz. She tries to trick him up for something she forced the original pathologist to say.

Stone found the photo of Naz's inhaler from the crime scene. Naz says yes, it was his. And Box gave it back to him the night of the murder. Stone goes to see Box. With a subpeona.

Chandra wonders why so many witnesses went uninterviewed and a piece of evidence was removed from the scene. Box doesn't have the best answers.

Petey killed himself.

Box retired.

Naz uses his need for a new inhaler to distract the guard so Freddy can kill the dude who was raping Petey.

The Night Of
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The Night Of Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Chandra: Detective, what made you sure so quickly that Nazir Kahn was your man?
Box: The mountain of evidence.

Box: What we have here is the same situation as Andrea Cornish, would you agree?
Detective: Your basic up down misdemeanor homicide.