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On The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 7 Episode 14, Apollo Nida is set to report to prison. Before he goes, he spends the evening with Peter and drops the news that Phaedra has been cheating on him with someone named "Chocolate." Peter can't believe it, but Apollo has printouts of the texts, which seem damning. They spend the evening together and after Peter drops Apollo off at home, he tells Cynthia about the texts. She can't believe it either.

Claudia meets with Rickey Smiley to discuss how she can improve at her job and talk turns to the tension between she and Porsha. Rickey brings it up and says he's noticed the awkward tension. He brings Porsha into the meeting and Claudia says she's willing to put everything behind them and move forward at work, but she doesn't offer an apology for the things she said to Porsha in Puerto Rico. Rickey makes them pray before they leave.

Kandi and Todd get ready to fly to LA for her part in Second Chance Christmas. He's staying a week longer than she is and Kandi wants to know if it's because he wants to party with his friends. She says she's always in a rush to get home and doesn't understand why he isn't. When she returns, she tells her assistant and best friend that she and Todd are only having sex once a week. They'll never get pregnant that way, first of all, but Kandi also has to be the one who initiates their trysts. 

Speaking of trysts, Kenya keeps her sex toys in her pantry in her kitchen. The world knows this now because during a 2 a.m. Facetime with Brandon to discuss their pilot, she fetches one to show him when they talk about the script. They move into casting and Cynthia auditions for the role of a Jamaican salon owner.

On the day Apollo is supposed to report to prison, Phaedra has a locksmith come out to change the locks. Apollo pulls into the driveway and wants to know when he can expect his key. 

The Real Housewives of Atlanta
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