L - Simone - The Rookie: Feds
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Garza visits a death row inmate who he knows is planning an attack.

As they chat, a drone enters an office space and releases lethal gas killing people.

Garza learns that Foster is working with people on the outside.

Cutty returns home from Ruth's. He says that he confessed his love for Ruth. They are planning on moving in together. Simone realizes she and Dina are going to be seeing each other a lot.

Brendon shows Antoinette a gossip column with their picture from a dinner. She doesn't seem disturbed by it.

The team learns of the gas attack. They visit the scene while Garza has Simone go to the prison to try and read Foster.

Simone visits Foster in prison and tries to get some information from him. The team learns the gas used to kill the office people.

A woman releases the gas in another office and sprays "I am Many" on the doors.

Dina calls Simone, but she says she's busy. She discovers that Foster had been using the prison's library books to send messages to his followers outside.

More gossip columns come out revealing something about Antoinette to Brendon. She is a pro in hockey. She challenges him to a game

Simone goes home and finds Cutty, Ruth, and Dina. The parents go out to dinner, leaving Dina and Simone. They end up hooking up.

Simone wakes up startled in the middle of the night. She goes to see Foster with a plan.

Simone tells Garza that she was planning on manipulating him because she thinks he's weak and tries to hide.

The team finds a message board being used to coordinate attacks and thwart all of them. The elevator lady prepares to make another attack.

Simone gets Foster to reveal something, and it helps the team find and save his next target from being killed. She is attacked but survives.

The team learns that Foster was executed.

Brendon and Antoinette play hockey, but she beats him.

Simone finds Ruth, Cutty, and Dina at home. Cutty and Ruth reveal they had decided not to move in together.

Dina and Simone agree to keep a casual relationship with no strings.

The Rookie: Feds
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The Rookie: Feds Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

Simone: What's the thing about asking for forgiveness instead of permission?
Garza: It's how you've led your whole life, Simone.

Simone: People like you are all the same.
Foster: People like me? No one is like me.
Simone: Honey, I see three of you every week. You are a weak man.