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Nolan has his first high-speed chase trying to stop a runaway bride. During the pursuit, he hits five things causing the city to pay out $21,000 in property damage. Sgt. Grey tells him he has work to do. 

Nolan and Bishop respond to a car on fire. The woman who set it on fire is a meth addict who was upset with her dealer for only giving her $10 worth of meth for $20. Then she admits she stabbed the dealer's brother. When Nolan and Bishop track down the brother, he’s dead, so they arrest the woman for murder. 

Sgt. Grey flags Nolan’s paperwork. When Bishop questions Grey about it, he says that failing to train Nolan may impact her career. 

Nolan hits a woman who runs out into the street. She’s got duct tape on her wrists and is screaming for them not to let “him” get her. The woman is Christine Holbeck who was reported missing. A man abducted her from a garage, drugged her and kept her locked in a basement with another woman named Emma. 

With another car damaged, Nolan and Bishop are assigned the oldest squad car in the fleet. Despite the detective’s attitude, Nolan and Bishop question Christine in the hospital and come up with a lead. Christine said she heard the word “wait” over and over again. Bishop figures out that it’s a crosswalk for the blind and finds one within their search area. 

They find the kidnapper who fires a shotgun at Nolan and then leads them on a foot chase through a cemetery. Nolan also finds Emma chained up but alive in the basement. When Nolan finally tackles the kidnapper, he begins hitting him until Bishop makes him stop. Later, Nolan is told he must keep his emotions in check because it is not a police officer’s job to punish a suspect. 

When Chen doesn’t break up with Nolan, Bishop tells her that if she wants to tank her career before it gets started, that’s on her. Later, Nolan encourages Chen to bring some clothes over to his place but she says they should keep things casual. 

Officer’s Bishop and Lopez pick up Officer Bradford when he’s released from the hospital. 

Officer Lopez covers for Officer West when the Captain asks why he didn’t fire a single round during their previous shootout. They take on a huge guy high on PCP who just trashed a church and threw a priest through a stained glass window. Surprisingly, West is able to talk the man into putting on the handcuffs because West realizes the PCP has made him desperate for water. West also manages to take down another dangerous criminal without using his weapon. 

Officer Chen rides with Officer Scott Wrigley until Bradford come back from sick leave. Wrigley is laid back, had never fired his weapon in 12 years, likes to hand out parking tickets, and goes home for lunch so he can take off his pants. Officer Chen ends up taking down a shoplifter on her own, and when a call comes through later looking for backup on the kidnapping case, Chen tells Wrigley that she’s responding even if he won’t. 

Later, Bradford tells Chen that Wrigley was a test. If she were content to ride with Wrigley then he’d know she wasn’t interested in being a real cop. As Bradford’s been cleared for duty, they’ll be riding together once again. 



The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Take the win. They’ll be plenty of losses to come.


Bishop: Everything you hit requires a separate accident report.
Nolan: I know.
Bishop: So maybe hit fewer things.