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The training officers and their rookies compete for the most arrest in the unauthorized “round up”competition. It’ seven points for a felony arrest, three points for a misdemeanor. Officer Bradford has won the contest five years in a row. Lopez and West are also very competitive but Bishop tells Nolan she doesn’t play the game.  

Sgt. Grey volunteers Nolan, Chen, and West to work as LAPD representatives at a neighborhood block party. Nolan notices a paramedic hitting on Lucy. Later, at a different call, the same guy asks Nolan if Lucy is single and he has to say yes.

When Nolan puts himself in harm’s way during a call, Bishop calls him out for being upset about Lucy. 

Bradford and Chen arrest a drunk driver who hit a teenager and then impaled himself by running into a metal fence. Later, Bradford gets robbers to leave a locked armored car by filling it with pepper spray. 

Nolan and Bishop investigate a noise complaint which and arrest Mr. Askari for having an illegal weapon. Before they finish booking him a high-end attorney shows up with a permit for the weapon that was issued that day. It turns out Mr. Askari works for the Russian mob. 

That night the alarm goes off at the Askari residents. Nolan, Bishop, Bradford, and Chen arrive at the scene to find a hostage situation.  They manage to disarm and arrest all of the assailants for SWAT gets there. 

Nolan and Bishop are called to a homeless shelter because a woman with a small child is making a scene. The shelter has no empty beds but she has nowhere else to go. Bishop and Nolan call every other shelter in the area but they are all full and they can’t help her. Bishop tells Nolan that this is why she doesn’t participate in the roundup because this job isn’t a game. 

Lopez and Bishop let Bradford win the competition because they know he and his wife used to compete and it still feels like a connection to her. 

Bradford flirted with a dispatcher, Nell, to get the best calls during the roundup but later admits to her that he’s married but it’s complicated. Nell tells him she doesn’t do complicated.

Nolan admits to Chen that he was jealous that paramedic was hitting on her. She tells him she turned the guy down. She didn’t break up with John to date other people, but to concentrate on being a cop.

Nolan’s friend who owns the house he lives in comes home. They discuss his relationship with Lucy and Nolan realizes he’s never really been single before. His friend tells him maybe it’s about time he figured out who he is on his own. 


The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Nolan: With all due respect, Sir, they have a fire engine. To a six-year-old, that’s crack.
Sgt. Grey: I am not going to be shown up by some department that publishes shirtless calendars.

Look, you’re on the rebound from a 20-year marriage. This was never going to be long-term, so let’s just move on.
